New to Bettas...have some questions...

Jul 15, 2003
Western New York
Ok...I finally got my 10g going and I am hoping to get my Betta tomorrow...I had an AquaClear Mini running on my 40g so as to build up a bacteria colony...I used a mix of Shultz Aquatic Soil & Gravel as substrate...I only put in 3 Java Fern Clippings and 1 Hydro for now. I know the betta won't eat the Java Fern (I don't know of a fish that does) but what about the Hydro?

Also, What's a good temperature for a betta tank? Other tankmates (ottos, loaches, etc)?

I also put in .25 teaspoon Potassium Nitrate for the plants and a drop (and I do mean a drop!) of ammonia to keep the bacteria happy til tomorrow. I will do a water test tomorrow before I get the betta to make sure it is safe...

What else should I consider/do to prepare for my betta? Do I need those fancy conditioners or food especially made for betta tanks?

I will do some research on Google but I would like your imput as well....



Superstar Fish
Bettas don't eat plants, to speak of. Sometimes mine like to pluck a few leaves off of hornwort, but that's it.

As for temps, something around 78 will be fine.

I would get food that is made specifically for bettas since pellets are easier, imo, for them to eat than larger flakes. I like Hikaris but I've found that my bettas also really like Wardley's Betta bites (both sizes, there are two: one large, one small). Only one of my bettas liked the big ones, but all like the smaller ones.

Just make sure that there are relatively low current areas so that the little guy can rest once in a while, especially if it will be a brand new betta that has been living in a small cup. Their muscles are atrophied from lack of movement and they can't swim that well.

Do you mean hydrocotyle? If so, the betta will ADORE that plant. The leaves make great resting pads and when they float it's a betta's dream;) At least for mine:)

Jul 15, 2003
Western New York
thx leopardess...I wasn't sure about the plants...I heard tales of bettas ripping up plants...I just read something about Betta Bulbs sold at Walmart....They are suppose to be nice...

I always keep frozen blood worms or brine shrimp for my other fish and I read those are great for bettas...but the pellets do sound nice and easy...

Thx for the info about the current in the tank...I did not know that...I need to turn my Mini down a bit..its running on high right now...!!



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I have never seen my betta attack the plants. I have wisteria, hygrophila, anubias, java moss and java fern in with mine. He likes to rest on the wisteria leaves sometimes.

They also quite like floating plants, if you have any, so they can get some shade and build a bubble nest.

I feed mine Hikari betta gold and frozen bloodworms. The betta food is only a couple of bucks, and lasts a long time, as they only eat a couple each day. Just be careful not to overfeed them. They are greedy fish, but their stomach is tiny (about the size of their eye).


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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They won't bother the plants. In fact they like some floating and you will often find them "resting" on and in the plants. As Lotus suggests, they are "pigs" and will literally eat themselves sick and constipated. The floating plants will also dampen some of the current.

Jul 15, 2003
Western New York
Thx everyone!!

I am excited to finally get a betta...I always look at them when I go to the LFS and have always wanted one. But I just refused to keep a fish in a tiny container even if they are used to it...

What about tankmates? Who can I combine with bettas? I plan on getting a few ottos once the algae starts forming...maybe 2 yoyo loaches as well? Maybe one or 2 other fish would complete the community...



Superstar Fish
I'd say the yoyo's arent an option in a 10g. They'd get too big (plus they do best in groups of three or more) and my guess is that in a tank that small they'd nip at his fins.

Companions could be:

African dwarf frogs
neon tetras

EDIT: I think you'll really like bettas:) They're so cute, IMO and mine have distinct personalities. I couldn't have picked a better focal point (fish wise) for my 10g planted. I've got him in with pygmy cories and frogs.

If you wanted to spend the money on a "fancy" betta...have you tried going to aquabid (i saw the most *beautiful* copper one yesterday!) or

All mine are from petstores and are beautiful, but the next one I get will hopefully be from somewhere like that:)

Last edited:
Jul 15, 2003
Western New York
Thx Leopardess...

I just got my betta today with 2 dwarf frogs...I think he likes the frogs because he rests on top of them once in a while. He is the usual blueish-red that most bettas are...I believe I got a crown betta by mistake (I didn't know they came in various species)...the crowns were $1 more. They also had Half-moon bettas but they were $15...

I also bought some Hornwort to float on the top. I want this tank to be differenmt than my other 2 tanks so I am waiting for Pond season to start do I can get a floating lilly in the tank...I heard bettas love them..

I need to put a background on the tank because he sees his reflection in the HOB filter...LOL!!! The reason I picked him is because he and a red betta were flaring at one another in the store. He looked energetic and healthy. He likes staying by the heater but I think that's because the filter is on the other side and the hornwort gives him cover on that side. He did venture over to the other side to see his neighbors (Neon Tetras, Amano Shrimp, and a few baby guppies I plan and taking back once they are old enough...guppies breed WAY too much for my taste!!!!)

I think on Friday id all is well I will get some more friends for the betta...

I'll post a pick as soon as I can...



Small Fish
Mar 27, 2004
Visit site
Ikeep all my bettas with a pair of frogs for company,that seems to work out pretty good so far. Bettas sell around here in those cups for about 3.99,and I've picked up 2veiled crowns .Guess I got lucky! Good luck with your fish!


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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I managed to get a steel blue half-moon from an lfs for the same price as a regular one. I find in my tank, my female betta is great friends with my honey dwarf gouramis. I just have one of the gouramis right now, but they share the same plant as their own private "room". As a side note, I also have a young, not full grown female black molly who seems to think she is a betta as well...., but that I'm sure isn't common, lol.