New to bettas, just bought one, need a little help!

Sep 18, 2006
Kitchener On Canada
Hi guys. I just bought a Betta (Fish-Cake) yesterday, so i've only had it for about 24 hours. I've looked at various websites about care and have started to implement steps (getting a heater tomorrow, going to transfer betta into a larger aqaurium on the weekend)

IN any case. How long is it before a Betta begins to eat normally? I have left some food at the top for the betta, when he doesn't eat it i scoop it out so the water does not cloud (I will be changing 20% of the water every 2 days due to the small size of the aquarium he is in) To my knowledge he hasn't eaten anything yet. He's chosen a hiding spot and sits in it for extended periods of time, then after 5 mins or so he will come up to the top, take a gulp of air and settle back into his spot. is this normal behaivour? could be be adjusting to the sites/sounds still? My goal is to have a happy healthy betta


Sep 18, 2006
Kitchener On Canada
silver dollars said:
First off welcome to the tank! and second, he is probably scared and sick. Where did you get him from and was he in a cup(like the ones that they are sold in at walmart)? Try putting some meds in there for him and keep an eye on him.
thanks! What would you recommend? I have no idea how to diagnose anything. he looks totally fine, as in his color is vibrant, and there doesnt seem to be anything abnormal on his fins or scales.

theres all kinds of different things i saw at the store. there's some general betta medicine, it hink it was called bettafix or something like that? I don'tk now anything :eek:

I noticed he keeps coming up to the top and gulping air, and has been camping up there for the last 30 mins or so


Medium Fish
Aug 29, 2006
L.A. Cali
bettas have different personalities. some just like to sit around and some are very active. it normal they come up to the surface for air, thats just how they breathe. i guess you could use bettafix but im not so sure that its necessary. about what temp. is he in right now? if its too cold alot of times they will "hibernate" because they are trying to conserve energy to stay warm. i would just leave the food in the water for a little longer. give him some time to get used to being moved around from the store to ur house and hopefully he will begin to eat. a bigger tank with regular water changes will be the best bet in keeping him healthy.

Sep 18, 2006
Kitchener On Canada
RISK2123 said:
bettas have different personalities. some just like to sit around and some are very active. it normal they come up to the surface for air, thats just how they breathe. i guess you could use bettafix but im not so sure that its necessary. about what temp. is he in right now? if its too cold alot of times they will "hibernate" because they are trying to conserve energy to stay warm. i would just leave the food in the water for a little longer. give him some time to get used to being moved around from the store to ur house and hopefully he will begin to eat. a bigger tank with regular water changes will be the best bet in keeping him healthy.
Right now he is at room temp. this house is very hot, perticularly this room... its about 80-85 room temp, i should buy a thermometer! I might run down to walmart this evening

Sep 18, 2006
Kitchener On Canada
Katie217 said:
it usually passes, just give him a few days
thats good to know!! how long is too long for a betta not to eat? i know they won't eat if they are stressed sad or sick.. i don't know much about their metabolism, learning as i go here

thanks again!! youg uys are very helpful
i should have a happy betta in a few days thanks to you!


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
yes your betta is getting used to his new home so give hime some time and space try not to do to much to him right now. He will eat in a few days he will be just fine.
just leave him be and only check on him when you have to.

Congratulations on the new "Cup Puppy".

Sep 18, 2006
Kitchener On Canada
woo thanks guys, i went to the store and bought a thermometer, like i said its warrmmmm in this house, his tank temp is 80 without a heater or lamp etc. i also bought some different food, something more colourful than the "premium betta food" i bought,w hich wasbrown balls that he would eyeball in disgust. He seems to be enjoying his new food, it's fun watching him chase the flakes around and do acrobatics :) i am changing the tank water religiously every 2 days, about 50% of the water, and then doing 100% on the weekends. he seems happier already!


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2006
Umm unless something is different about bowls or things like that... DO NOT do 100% water changes... and 50% every 2 days is also a ton.... Go 50% every WEEK and never do 100% water changes because it could throw you into a mini cycle.

Sep 18, 2006
Kitchener On Canada
thanks foe the advice :O i was told that for a small bowl without filtration i should change the water once every couple of days :eek: this is great advice you all have. btw nice aquarium breene :O

Breene said:
Umm unless something is different about bowls or things like that... DO NOT do 100% water changes... and 50% every 2 days is also a ton.... Go 50% every WEEK and never do 100% water changes because it could throw you into a mini cycle.