New to breeding mollies advice needed


New Fish
Oct 7, 2012
I have a 48 gallon tank (220Litres) have approx 12 mollies 4 swordtails and 5 snails. I bought this extra large molly she is orange/yellow a few days ago as her belly was huge and you can see black things in her belly so i am 99% sure she is pregnant, i have never bred these fish before, should i separate her and what do i look for when she is about to give birth so i can move the fry.
At the moment she sits on the bottom on the gravel under the leaves or beside the heater or in the log, One minute she can be swimming around the next she is still. I dont want to stress her out to much by moving her to early. I do have logs, house and a car wreck to hide in and also live plants.
Thanks in advance


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I would just let nature take its course. Some of the fry will survive with enough hiding places that you have. Mollies are noted for being very prolific. Moving them around just stresses them out and you risk loosing the female.


New Fish
Oct 7, 2012
Thanks for your reply, i awoke this morning to 40 fry in which i have moved to a breeding tank, i have lost 3 at this stage, thanks for your advice