German Rams, help me sex them?
Update for 9/4/04 : #2 and #4 spawned - see my latest message on page 2.
Update for 8/29/04 : I have rams now, see later posts about sexing them (and figuring out if one is a Bolivian or a German).
Okay, I'm new to cichlids and don't know what to choose for my tank. I have a 46 gallon community tank, and want to get something that isn't going to make a meal out of my other fish. My signature has my current inhabitants listed. My wish list also includes a Pearl Gourami or two, and maybe some schools (6-8 ea) of Harlequin Rasbora and/or Black Neon Tetras.
I was thinking about Blue or Bolivian Rams as my next addition in two weeks. I like that the Blue stay smaller, but the Bolivian might like the tank water better. Are there some other good choices? I am not really interested in breeding. My LPS says they are getting some Blues in on Wednesday, but I think it is too soon to add them, the Jullii will only have been in there a week.
Water pH is about 7.8-8.0, temp is 76-78*F. I really don't want to mess with the water, would rather find fish that will be happy with it as-is. I am adding Prime to the water with water changes (for the chlorine in the tap), so my ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite are all reading 0 at the moment.
The big questions:
1) What type(s) should I choose?
2) How many and what type of population mix would be good? 1m, 2m, 1m/1f, 1m/2f, etc?
Update for 9/4/04 : #2 and #4 spawned - see my latest message on page 2.
Update for 8/29/04 : I have rams now, see later posts about sexing them (and figuring out if one is a Bolivian or a German).
Okay, I'm new to cichlids and don't know what to choose for my tank. I have a 46 gallon community tank, and want to get something that isn't going to make a meal out of my other fish. My signature has my current inhabitants listed. My wish list also includes a Pearl Gourami or two, and maybe some schools (6-8 ea) of Harlequin Rasbora and/or Black Neon Tetras.
I was thinking about Blue or Bolivian Rams as my next addition in two weeks. I like that the Blue stay smaller, but the Bolivian might like the tank water better. Are there some other good choices? I am not really interested in breeding. My LPS says they are getting some Blues in on Wednesday, but I think it is too soon to add them, the Jullii will only have been in there a week.
Water pH is about 7.8-8.0, temp is 76-78*F. I really don't want to mess with the water, would rather find fish that will be happy with it as-is. I am adding Prime to the water with water changes (for the chlorine in the tap), so my ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite are all reading 0 at the moment.
The big questions:
1) What type(s) should I choose?
2) How many and what type of population mix would be good? 1m, 2m, 1m/1f, 1m/2f, etc?
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