I just search this website... and I think I have the electric yellow and the kenyi..... my fish is very similar to this picture but more blueish in color.
How can I determine the sex of these...
The yellow one had the dark on the top fin and belly fin, but I see no signs of dark coloring anywhere else... I think I might be lucky in having a female.
the Kenyi, appears to have a slight yellowish fade happening near the tail.. the description on this site says that the males will turn from blue to yellow as they mature?
So if luck is on my side, I think I only have to add a female, and plan for a bigger tank, it says the kenyi require 50 gallons??
so far Im not seeing too much aggression... I am very pleased with these fish, they seem to be very outgoing, and have alot of personality, kinda like a couple of puppy dogs or something.
I started with a few danios and neons, with one danio terrozing everyone to death, I added a few here and there, but never-the-less this one little guy chased them all to death. So I figured it was time for him to meet his match with some more aggressive fish. The new cichlids ate my ghost shrimp, I assumed my shrimp were big and fast enough.... they were over a year old and rather large, but nope.... they were gone within 24 hours... and I was hoping the danio would have been the one to get it... I think the danio seems much more balanced out, and my orange algae eater is finally more active.
It seems to me that my tank is a much more happy and happening environment, everyone seems to get along....
I hope this isnt a rookie faux-pas... but a year with neons, I figured my feet were wet enough to try some more stable and pretty fish... and some that will encourage me to get the bigger tank I long for.... but need a mix of fish that will hang around at least a few years or more...