New to Cichlids...


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2003
North Dallas, Texas
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So the first year of danios and neons got boring... I broke down and bought two young cichlids. I need help in sexing them. One is bright yellow and has a black strip running the length of the top fin and a dark spot on the belly fin. The other is a little smaller and blueish with strips. I know I need to have one male and two females... I figured I would start with these since they were so pretty, and figure out what I had to determine what addition I should make.


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
You say that one is bright yellow. This right away leads me to say you most likely have a species of apistogramma. Females are yellow in color and males are the colorful ones. Can you get a picture of the fish for further identification?

Since youve said one has a stripe running throughout the whole body im gunna guess that possible you have Apistogramma cacatuoides. They are pretty common apistos so im gunna guess that.

Do your yellow ones look like this ? cacatuoides/female_and_fry.jpg

Also feel free to browse through the gallery to find the right species if indeed you have apistos.

You may also want to check out

Good luck with identification and post a pic if you can.



Large Fish
Nov 20, 2003
North Dallas, Texas
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No... this fish very pretty solid bright yellow. and has a this black line running the length of the top fin, right along the base near the body...
I dont have a digital camara...

I found something on the net that look like it, but didnt comment on sex. It callled the fish a 'Yellow Labido'


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2003
North Dallas, Texas
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I just search this website... and I think I have the electric yellow and the kenyi..... my fish is very similar to this picture but more blueish in color.

How can I determine the sex of these...

The yellow one had the dark on the top fin and belly fin, but I see no signs of dark coloring anywhere else... I think I might be lucky in having a female.

the Kenyi, appears to have a slight yellowish fade happening near the tail.. the description on this site says that the males will turn from blue to yellow as they mature?

So if luck is on my side, I think I only have to add a female, and plan for a bigger tank, it says the kenyi require 50 gallons??

so far Im not seeing too much aggression... I am very pleased with these fish, they seem to be very outgoing, and have alot of personality, kinda like a couple of puppy dogs or something.

I started with a few danios and neons, with one danio terrozing everyone to death, I added a few here and there, but never-the-less this one little guy chased them all to death. So I figured it was time for him to meet his match with some more aggressive fish. The new cichlids ate my ghost shrimp, I assumed my shrimp were big and fast enough.... they were over a year old and rather large, but nope.... they were gone within 24 hours... and I was hoping the danio would have been the one to get it... I think the danio seems much more balanced out, and my orange algae eater is finally more active.

It seems to me that my tank is a much more happy and happening environment, everyone seems to get along....

I hope this isnt a rookie faux-pas... but a year with neons, I figured my feet were wet enough to try some more stable and pretty fish... and some that will encourage me to get the bigger tank I long for.... but need a mix of fish that will hang around at least a few years or more...

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Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
with the mbuna, the old rule was to try to find males by looking for ones with larger and more numerous egg-spots on the anal fin....this method is not overly reliable really, especially with smaller fish.

the kenyi are one of the worst as far as aggression goes, coupled with the fact that males will try to hybridize with anything in the tank.

plus, the yellow labs are one of the more peaceful species......i would personally remove the kenyi and go with more peaceful species like Idotropheus sp., P. acei, P. salousi, or more yellow labs.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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One Ten Gallon Tank
1 Zebra Danio
1 Orange Algae Eater
1 Electric Yellow
1 Kenyi

Don't bother sexing them, just take them straight back.
A different approach is needed here Exevious - do your research on the fish BEFORE buying them.


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2003
North Dallas, Texas
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I mentioned but I guess not clear enough... my plans include upgrading to a bigger tank, Im trying to decide on 30 or 50 gallons. These fish are small... I figured I had a little time to make that change.

Is it that important even now at the small size? Do I need to go ahead and make that purchase?
Im planing on moving in the next few months, I was hoping to wait for that....

I have been keeping a close watch to see if I was gunna have issues with aggression or space, but I put planters tilted on thier side buried half in the gravel to make little caves... one on each side of the tank, and each has claimed one... I also have lots of fake plants and stone archs.... Lots of hiding on the lower portion, and plenty of swim space mid to upper tank. I feel like this aids in sectioning to create territories.

So I hope my ignorance is not too great.... but tell me if I really should have that bigger tank now... and I will get it. Im dying to get it, but dreading the tear down and move of the two tanks in a few months.

But honestly I have the totall impression that I finally have happy fish....

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Large Fish
Nov 20, 2003
North Dallas, Texas
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if there is any question about the lone danio... he terrorized all his brothers, and neons for 14 months. I figure he will just have to learn his spot in his new world.... or become a decent meal. i hate to offend the danio fans.. but he had his shot with his own kind, and it just hasnt worked out.


Large Fish
Nov 12, 2004
Montreal, Canada
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Exevious; I got into fish a few months back; and within 2 months of getting my first tank I had gotten myself a total of 4 tanks and the biggest one houses a multitude of african mbunas and other african fish.

The yellow fish you described initially, immediately sounded to me like you were referring to yellow labidocromis. Out of all the africans; these guys are probably the most docile and really a nice shade of yellow if you ask me (i also keep apistos in a different tank; definetely can't compare the two yellows). But it sounds to me like you've already had it confirmed that your unknown cichlid is a lab.

Well getting back to what I was saying; Africans are slighlty harder to keep; but it only takes a few hours of research and some guts for you to have yourself a beautiful african setup. I would however never keep africans in something as small as a 65gal; I keep about 20 or so juvenile africans in a 65; and every week that passes I mentally visualize breaking down my load-bearing wall in order to make room for a built-in 300gal wall-tank. HAHAHA MOUYAHAHAHA

Seriously; africans will get very big; ALL you need to so is go to a reputable lfs and look around for their large size africans (your typical juvi will sell between $7-$20; large adults go for $45 and up and they are BIIIIG! You look at one and you almost think; skillet.... (bad joke..)


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2003
North Dallas, Texas
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Did some reading on very good tip, thanks Managuense.
I am certain that I have a female Labidochromis caeruleus (Lion's Cove I). But I am still not able to positively ID the other one, it looks an awful lot like the pic on this site called kenyi, however that photo is somewhat distant. I did catch the little blue one 'shaking' in front of the females cave. I am seeing No signs of aggression or abnormal behavoir.... These guys all seem very happy and curious and fun. I am concerned about the food. I started putting romain lettuce in the other day, since chances are the blue one is a vegetarian. But he still seems to beg at the glass for me to give him the cichilid pellets, I have been trying to avoid him getting them, by feeding the lab when his attention is on something else. He is eating the lettuce, or they all are, cause it is gone the next day.
But he really seems to want the cichlid pellets also.... I know the herbavores shouldnt get the protein, but anyone have more feedback on this?