New to MFT


Medium Fish
Oct 4, 2005
SW Michigan
Hello all!

Very excited to find a site where people are kind! At another site I was purposely given bad advice!:eek:
Here it seems like everyone genuinely just want to help each other out.

I started out with fish 10 years ago, when my then husband brought home some blue gourami from work. Went out and bought a 10 gallon hex-then found out tank too small-so exchanged gourami for other fish.

Had that tank successfully for 5 years when I went away for 2 weeks with a friend taking care of my pets. I was horified when I got home and the tank was brown. She had fed them almost an entire canister of food! (I had been very specific about how much to feed, with demonstrations, of course) I immediately did a few water changes over several days, but lost some fish.

Thought I was moving out of state, so I found a new home for my fish. Ended up not moving, and divorcing my husband.

So, 18 months ago, I got the fish bug again. Restarted my little 10 gallon hex. Bought a new penguin mini. Then I cracked the tank when I had to get a deceased fish out-couldn't find the net-used a kitchen utensil instead-hit it against the glass-and Crack! Luckily, didn't shatter.

Due to lack of room, went out and got a 26 gallon bowfront, really enjoyed that, but soon wanted larger tank.

I now have a 50 gallon, and a 26 gallon. (found room for the 50 after rearranging the living room)

In the 50-2 bristlenose pleco, 3 angel, 4 rainbow, 5 congo tetra (Anyone have suggestions for other fish to add?)
In the 26-looking to have cichlids-peacocks or labs, perhaps!

Sorry about the length of this-probably too long, but if you've made it this far, thank you for reading this and having a great website! :D I really look forward to all I can learn, and helping others as well.