New to MyFishTank!

Mar 30, 2005
Hello, my name is Anne and I am 30 years old. I have 4 tanks right now (down from 5...I'm trying to cut down!) and have been keeping fish comming up on 2 1/2 years now. I work in Marina Management (go figure, near the water) and am planning on setting up another tank at work again. I am considering a Eclipse5 I think it's called.

Here is how I have my tanks set up right now;
3.5 gallon - Male betta and 8 White Clouds. Running a Red Sea Nano filter,
10 gallon QT - 6 Columbian Tetras and Female (?) Zebra Lace Angelfish. Running a Penguin 125 with a 100W heater,
20 gallon - Male Bolivian Ram and Male Marble Angelfish. Running an AC200 and a 200W heater,
30 Gallon - Male Gold Angelfish, Female Chocolate Angelfish, 3 Siamese Algae Eaters, 1 Male Bolivian Ram, 1 Female Bolivian Ram, 7 Cardinal Tetras, 6 Rummynose Tetras and one lone Harlequin Rasbora. Running an AC100 and an AC300 with a 200W heater.

I also have a 45 gallon tank that I am not allowed to touch that belongs to my husband. That drives me NUTS!

As you can probably tell I love my angels very much and have succesfully raise two other proven breeding pairs that now reside with a friend who raises the fry. I have always been drawn to them as they definitely each have their own personality.

If I could ever give one piece of advice when it comes to fishkeeping, and by no means am I an expert, it would be to always keep your tank as clean as possible. I truly believe that the more water changes that you do, the more that you will be rewarded by healthy and active fish. That said, this only works on a well established tank. I change 50% once per week at least and have not had any illness in my tanks since I began this in June of 2003. NO illness at all.

I am quite involved in some other forums and was looking for some fresh faces and ideas. I really like that this forum covers so diverse a group of topics and look forward to expand my knowledge in aquaria and helping others if I can.

I am considering selling my proven angels and possibly setting up some different types of tanks as angels as the focus all the time can get a little boring. I am looking at possibly a pair of Texas Cichlids for the 30 gallon and turning the 20 into a tetra tank only with several larger schools. Oh well, I guess I can decide later!