new to site... thought id intorduce myself!


Small Fish
Jul 28, 2008
hello everyone! im a 26 year old who recently got into fish.... i started with freshwater (and still have a 150gal. freshwater tank).. but recently (2 months) got into saltwater....... its definently been an up and down cycle (fish lost so far...... emporator angel, blue faced angel, a banded shark, and a stingray)......

here is what i currently have for salt water..... sorry for not knowing manufacturer names off hand... but if interested, i can find out and let you know...

80 gallon glass tank
20gal wet/dry system (w/ rio 12hf pump)
20gal refugium setup (w/ rio 8hf pump)
protien skimmer (esshopps...or something like that)
80lbs. of live rock (cant remember where from... the rock is purple,pink,green w/ a ton of plantlife)
coralife lighting

-Queen angelfish
-red sea regal angelfish
-juvenile emporator angelfish (currently going through its adulthood change)
-volitan lionfish
-zebra morey eel (brown and yellow) (around 35" long)
-powder brown tang
-4 damselfish (id get rid of them if i could catch them)
47 gallon glass tank
-marineland 300 series canister filter
-back-pack protien skimmer
-20lbs fiji live rock

-3 clownfish
-yellow tang
-and 2 fish i forget thier names lol

***********pics added***************

my 80gal


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Small Fish
Jul 28, 2008
Welcome to MFT!

OUCH! You lost that during cycle? O_O
not exactly.... the blue faced and emporator got ich and died (at the time i didnt know how to properly treat them, and by the time i realized what it was that they had, it was too late)..... and the shark and stingray died of unkown reasons


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
That tank is probably to small for those fish in the first place .. Why would you put a shark in a 80g tank? I hope your kidding.. Also stingrays need alot more room to swim in also and from what i understand they need a clear sandy bottom.. Did you do any research before putting a shark in a 80g?! .. The yellow tang is going to outgrow a 47g also.. maybe you should get rid of the FW fish and turn that into a salt tank, then your fish would be alot happier! Still way to small for a shark tho


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
welcome and I can only reiterate what has been said already. An 80g tank is too small for even one of the fish you mentioned let alone all of those at the same time.....these fish all require the linear room for swimming and will all surely die of stress induced disease over the short term. Please get a larger tank for them and as these are all messy eaters producing copious amounts of waste, do not even think about any type of reef or adding corals or inverts. A 20g wetdry is not sufficent and will only add to the already probably high nitrate levels......I can only imagine.....

sorry not trying to be harsh here but you need to rethink your approach


Small Fish
Jul 28, 2008
thanks guys for the input....

im in the process of getting a 240gal. tank for my freshwater, and using the 150gal for my salt, and getting rid of the 80gal alltogether.....

i know the 20gal wet/dry is too small, but i had room restraints at the time... now im 95% finished with a 20gal refugium to add onto it.... so ill have the 20g wet/dry and a 20g refugium... which should be good filtration for the 80g until i can get the 150 up and running....the nitrate levels are actually very stable right now... and no plans for inverts or reef as of now.. way too advanced for me

as for the fish.....ive learned a few lessons already.. i went to a pet shop that dicked me around, and have now found a shop i things are better.... the shark was only 6" long, and was in a 30gal when i bought it, so i didnt see a problem. i now know better.... the yellow tang is a baby, so i have a while... it will be moved to the larger tank when it matures

heres my 47gal salt

and my hospital tank with my emporator in it currently


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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
those groupers need a tank that size if they are alone in it......not with all those other inhabitants.....I would rethink this and use the 240 for the salt.....for your existing animals...and then maybe use the 80 as the fuge/sump


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
That's what i ment lorna lol, sorry i didn't word it right.. Ive seen some full sized groupers in tanks before and they get HUGE! I would rather have a 240 salt tank than a 150 ne ways!


Small Fish
Jul 28, 2008
^^^^ i dont really know...... i was told by the pet store that banded sharks arent like normal sharks, they dont need a ton of room, and they grow to thier environment.... but i now know better! i saw that he was doing bad, so we were planning to take him back to the store the next day, but he died overnight

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
You may want to get rid of those bioballs in your sump too. They will cause you a lot of problems. I was hesitant of getting rid of mine, but thanks to some people here I got rid of them and replaced them with live rock.