New to sw got a couple of questions

Sep 2, 2010
Where to begin... Ok so I have a 40 gallon breeder proper filtration live sand heater proper size. The tank has been runing for I want to say about 6-8 weeks. About 2 weeks ago I bought 2 damsles. They were doing good the whole time so I then bought 2 clownfish. One of them died :(. In between I've bought a star fish and maybe 6 hermits the star and 4 hermits died... So I assume it's not fully cycled in getting my water tested hopefully tomorrow. So now it is just the clown and 2 crabs. The guy at my Lfs said that I won't be able to buy a new clown why Is this. ( Ik about clowns choseing there gender so don't explain that to me. And the clown weren't a mated pair. And I put sea weed in the tank as a little treat and u was not aware it prety much fell apart and it's ALL over my tank. Will it go away or will I have to pick out every little single piece of seaweed. And my clown fish changes from orange to pink sometimes is this a sign of beign stressed?

There's more sorry...

On to protien skimmers.
I do not have one I heard it is possable to run a stable tank without it but it makes it easier. What more effort will I have to put in to do this?.

And would it be possable to get a yellow tang in a 40 gallon? My mom realy loves them. By the way i'm 15.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Read the stickies.
Read the stickies and when done, read the stickies again.

Your comments confuse me, you say proper filtration? by whose say so? Please itemize your equipment and what you have for stock in your tank. do you have any live rock if so how much, what are your water parameters? sg, temp, ph, alk.....nitrite? ammonia? if you don't have a test kit how do you know you are cycled?

I think you need to research this hobby thoroughly to ensure success and health of the fish and other livestock.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Sorry if I was coming across too harsh, but you really need to slow down and do some reading if not in books then here on this site at the top of the forum. If you have questions then post them and we will do our best to help. It is hard to diagnose a problem without knowing any particulars. There is so much more involved in this hobby than adding salt to water and plunking in some fish and hoping everything survives.