new to the forum...


Medium Fish
Nov 17, 2009
Hello.. Im new to the forum... we are rather new to hobby.. we have 3 tanks up and running... One cycling, and another one coming tomarrow... We have a 29 gallon with 6 tiger barb, 3 albino tiger barbs, a tiny rainbow shark, 2 tiny bala sharks, a placo, and 1 lonely black high fin tetra... In our other 29 gallon we have a tiger oscar, an albino tiger oscar, a blue pacific reef cichlid, an upside down catfish, and a very nervous placo... The 10 gallon is for our feeder fish, and we are cycling a 55 gallon we are borrowing untill tax time to get a huge tank for Oscars... My fiance found someone wanting to get rid of another 55 tank, so we just had to have it... lol Anyway, Im in hopes of learning as much as possable...


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2009
wow thats a heck of a start to the hobby best of luck.

if you want you can put everything you just posted in your signiture under the user CP (control panel) thats what we all do.


Medium Fish
Feb 21, 2009
OK, you're pretty overstocked. Well, umm. Check out this site: AqAdvisor - Intelligent Online Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor. I'm sure it will tell you that you are overstocked. I think you are either going to have some dead fish, or you're going to need to give some of them away.

Pleco's (assuming they are what you're referring to) require a 55 minimum, and you have two... They get very large.

Oscars: 55 MINIMUM and many experienced fish keepers will only keep them in 75 or bigger. If you're going to keep one oscar in there, you really can only have the one in the 55 with no other fish.

Your chiclid, from what I see on the internet, should be OK in the 29 by himself. I'm not sure on its comp. with your other fish.

Your upside-down catfish is a schooling fish so you need more for it to be happy. But w/ your VERY limited space I think that you should give him away.

Your sharks will get quite large, I think a quick goggle search for their minimum tank size would be in order.

Bottom line is I'm not sure if the fish will make it. If they do you're tank will need to be HUGE. Like upwards of 125 gallons.

Best of luck, and keep learning. When it comes to fish you can't learn enough, and believe me, you'll never stop learning!

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Medium Fish
Nov 17, 2009
We are putting the Oscars in the 55 untill we can get a 90 gallon... I know that the balas get huge.. we are planning on putting them into the 55 after we get the oscars into a 90... Did not know that the catfish was a schooling fish... and the placos are still very small... Thanks for the info and the link...


Medium Fish
Nov 17, 2009
OK, you're pretty overstocked. Well, umm. Check out this site: AqAdvisor - Intelligent Online Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor. I'm sure it will tell you that you are overstocked. I think you are either going to have some dead fish, or you're going to need to give some of them away.

Pleco's (assuming they are what you're referring to) require a 55 minimum, and you have two... They get very large.

Oscars: 55 MINIMUM and many experienced fish keepers will only keep them in 75 or bigger. If you're going to keep one oscar in there, you really can only have the one in the 55 with no other fish.

Your chiclid, from what I see on the internet, should be OK in the 29 by himself. I'm not sure on its comp. with your other fish.

Your upside-down catfish is a schooling fish so you need more for it to be happy. But w/ your VERY limited space I think that you should give him away.

Your sharks will get quite large, I think a quick goggle search for their minimum tank size would be in order.

Bottom line is I'm not sure if the fish will make it. If they do you're tank will need to be HUGE. Like upwards of 125 gallons.

Best of luck, and keep learning. When it comes to fish you can't learn enough, and believe me, you'll never stop learning!
So I did some research on the catfish.. I have learned that he/she is a Giant Black Upside Down Asian Catfish...

Giant Black Upside Down Asian Catfish, Mystus leucophasis, with care, maintenance requirements and breeding information for your tropical fish

Guess its going in one of the 55's....*thumbsups