New to the forums


New Fish
Apr 13, 2004
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Hi everyone,

I just registered to these forums and thought I should introduce myself to you. I'm a 31 year old Dutchman who's currently living in Finland and fro most of my life I've had aquariums. Only the last 5 years I haven't had one, this was mostly related to the fact that I was moving to Finland. Recently I've been itching to setup a tank in my appartment, and last week I could no longer resist and bought myself a 65 gallon tank (240 liters) which should be delivered to my appartment today or tomorrow (hopefully today).

My plans for the tank are big, it'll be a community tank according to "Dutch" style (I'm dutch, so that does make sense doesn't it? :D ), meaning it will have lots of plants and a high degree of aquascaping. During the weekend I created myself a custom background from styrofoam, which now awaits the delivery of the aquarium so I can start hiding the filter components in it and then paint it with epoxy paint. I'm taking photos of the process (old fashioned real ones) and plan to keep some sort of diary of the building process online. I'll probably post the text with some pics here, if you're interested.

you'll hear more in other posts.