New to the forums

Apr 7, 2008
Monroe, NC
Hey everyone, I'm John. I'm 20 and from near Charlotte, NC. I was referred here by my girlfriend who goes by Kiwi. While I was growing up we ALWAYS had a fishtank or 2 or more in my house and I have always been fascinated by fish. Since Staci(Kiwi) has become more interested in fish it has brought back my obsession with them and I recently purchased a 29gal for a freshwater setup and I have an older 10gal that I'm not really sure what to do with. This forum has been very informative so far and just from reading here ya'll sound like a good bunch of folks to be around. I'll post more as I get my tanks set up and whatnot.

Thanks for the great site ya'll are running,
John :)