New to the site

May 25, 2008
Columbus, OH
Browsing through trying to find some answers to my questions i thought i would post and say hello. I just recently purchased a 24 gal. aqua pod. Set it up a couple days ago so i still got aways to go. All i have now is got the SG where i need it, added live rock and sand. Ph level is still a little low so i tried some buffer. Only problem thus far would be the heat issue. Its fairly cool in my apartment but the tank with the lights off in the middle of the day are reach 77 deg F with my heater unplugged. when i turn the lights on it will jump higher. Trying to keep the algea down so i havent left the lights on all day. Heres a few pics......

take a look at my live rock. It has some stuff on it to me looks like algea, but then again im a newb so i dont know for sure......

I hope to have it cycled and everything ready for the next step in about a week.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
welcome to MFT! everything is looking prety good, be perpared to wait longer than a week to be completly cycled tho.... patiance is eveything in this hobby, looks like yur off to a good start now just keep testing yur params every few days and when everything stables out and is that way for a few days start with yur cleanup crew and wait a little longer for fish.... in the meantime read read read