what are you looking for in a cichlid?
there are types and sizes to meet evry kind of fishkeepers desire in a fish.
from agressive central americans,to dwarf south americans,discus the king of fish(and a mighty fine cichlid to boot)or one of the amazing african cichlids which have numerous subgroups and various niches to fill in their enviroment.
after reading your other post,i really can't give you a good suggetion as what your asking for is a bit hard to achive.you can have 4 live togethere,but i don't think you'll be able to match your color requirements.
i can't really think of any bright pink ciclhlids.a dull pink one,the pink convict(not very pink,more like albino) but not a good canidate for tankmates.they are called convicts for a reason.you can also get the blue and black bars as that happens to be themore natural color form of the convict.but they are still the same fish in temprament,just different colors. a few african cichlids have a blue and black bared pattern,but once again unsuitable for the most part.i think one of the hap ciclids have this pattern,and may work on a cichlid com tank,but i'm not sure,haps aren't my specialty.keyhole cichlids may fit the bill for the most part they are under six inches,are fairly tolerant of each other,and have a black spot ,on a cream/almost pink background.
try doing a few searches through fish profiles ato help narrow your search for fish down.you might see something you like and then crossreference it to others opinions an experinces.sometimes the profiles say and how the fish are can be quite different.