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Small Fish
Dec 9, 2002
fort collins co
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Hello I am new to this web site but not to fish. Been keeping a 29g and a 20g for about 10 yrs just added a 65g and cruising right along wish i had room for more but the kids and furniture get in the way.:( Anyway i have seen lots and have had my fair share of fiascos, so don't hesitate to pick at my brain for info. As I am very beligerant and opionionated please take me with a bag of Salt *laughingc

Not asking the question is the stupid part!

Welcome DDDude,
I'll have to second that on kids and furniture getting in the way (love the kids, don't get me wrong, heh heh). I am in the process of deciding wether or not to set up two twenty gallon tanks into my closet. I just got one used and the other is currently in the garage, but its getting too cold for it to be in there without the aquarium heater being on constantly. I'm in the process of learning more about fish diseases that I never had last time all my tanks were set up. One that is baffeling me is dropsy. I've had a dwarf gourami and a betta die of dropsy both in seperate tanks, and both happened suddenly without any other fish getting sick.