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Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
So, i guess i ended up with some Annual guppys or something and plus, my LFS had them for gosh knows how long. They werre on the bottom rack on tanks where they keep the feeder fish so. 2 have died, one that is left is SUPER obese and no matter how long i fast him he is remaing the same size, i fed him some pea, and he's still fat so oh well. My Kuhli's are doing excellent thou, they've grown and they arent shy anymore and they eat like PIGS :D

So, i guess il get one upper fish to keep my tank looking active. Should i get a male Betta/Female betta or a Dwarf Gourami or something else maybe?

Apr 14, 2008
I don't have much luck with guppies, either...but it's the opposite symptoms for me...they waste away[and not from IPs, 1 just dies 1 day and the rest follow suite but usually over the course of a few months]... :(

I'd say a single male betta would be good in there...there are some nice varieties like doubletails, halfmoons, delta tails, & plakats...but I don't know how common those would be around you...


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Id get a splendid as thats the best i can get ATM course i love them just as well anyway. I intend to get one of my LFS's awesome Black with orange fins that they carry alot. They SO pretty. Il upload a pic when i do get him which will be whenever the other 2 gupps pass.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have never heard of "Annual guppies", what does that mean? Then you say two died and one it left, but then on your last entry you say when the "Other two gupps pass" you will get a betta. Were you just waiting to get rid of them? So now you have a betta again.


Medium Fish
Jun 27, 2010
I had a guy at my LFS say that in their industry they often talk about guppies as annual fish, meaning they pretty much live for one year. He said that it's because they reproduce so quickly that they don't really need a long lifespan.
Kenny, I have the same problem as you do with guppies. They last a few months, then start looking ragged and thin and they die. I've given up on keeping guppies because of this.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
I think a HUGE issue in the fish industry at the moment as it pertains to guppies is that hobbyists work to create their own strains. When they do this there is a lot of doubling back (breeding offspring to parents) and breeding brothers to sisters. It amplifies traits that make the fish pretty but also can cause some underlying genetic issues.

I personally have never had much in the way of luck with guppies or neons over any type of long haul. I take it that you are SURE the fatty is male and not pregnant?

While there are differing opinions on this (I believe I have even been in convos with you fish about this) Bettas can do poorly when they are housed with other active bottom to mid range swimmers. All the activity can stress them out and kill them. Do you have anything else other then a betta that you were thinking you might like to keep instead?