New User: "BrownBullhead"

Hello MyFishTank.NET Users...

I am "BrownBullhead", and I am from Ile-des-Chenes, Manitoba, CANADA.

I am a male, 28 years old, and my hobbies are aquariums, eBay [hockey cards] and catch-and-release fishing, in no particular order.

I have kept various species over the last 5 years. I had setup(s) with my Father many moons ago but I did not re-enter the hobby until 2000.

Currently I keep 55-gallon aquarium which contains:

24 or so Tiger Barbs; 3 Yellow Banded Headstanders; 10 or so Brown Bullheads; 9 Red-Tail Botias, and 2 Typhlonectes Natans [Rubber Worms / Caecilians].

I am looking for more T. Natans, so if anyone can help me in this pursuit, please email me!

I am also into hockey cards on eBay, and I enjoy fishing locally for carp, catfish, and most bottom feeders for that matter.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Superstar Fish
May 4, 2004
United Kingdom
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Trouthead: Yes, I have seen that page before. My T. Natans are VERY peaceful, even with my MINUTE bullheads. The T. Natans are a conversation peace in our house, and visitors either LOVE them or HATE them... depending on their feelings about snakes, which is what they most often get compared to by our visitors. I contacted a wholesaler in Montreal but he says to send his fishermen out to catch them specifically, they need to get at least 800 to make it worth their while... I think the most I would take is 8. He says the demand for them is next-to-nothing, but my local shops that had them sold out in under 7 days. Read the discussion forums on and you will see that there is definitely a demand... maybe not from the stores but people do want these guys! :)