New with a betta fish

Oct 10, 2004
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I have a brand new betta fish , and this is my first time with one of these fish. Today I noticed that he of course is fine, but he went to eat his food and he blew bubbles and it came right now he had the hardest time eatting it so i went away and watched tv and then looked over about 5 minutes later the to pelets i put in there were gone so he must of ate them. And all these yucky dieases ya'll are talking about how can you tell if your fish has that?

Oct 10, 2004
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Well, I though male betta fish are mean, and hate things like other fish in there tanks. I mean I'd gladly by Craig a mate but i dont want him to kill the other betta. I cant seem to find a female and i want a female so I can make a couple lol. But he does eat the food and i cant tell if he has ich or not... what do i do!!!

Oct 10, 2004
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Hey! Thanks for the warm welcome. And I dont wanna breed them really because I'm so busy with school and stuff I just wanna know how to tell if he's sick, if he's hungry, when hes mad, and all that. I don't know how to tell if he has ich, he likes the bottom of his tank, but he also swims sometimes but he just floats something and i tap the side of the tank to see if he's alive. Can you tell me how to tell if he has ich. I know its white spots but on these pictures i saw i couldnt tell where the white spots where. Craig my betta is ruby red... so how do i tell?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Hi lilfishy2007 & welcome to the tank!

Betta males blow bubble nests to attract mates, its a good sign of a healthy betta.

It's not at all necessary to get him a mate, he would blow a nest with our without one.

Mating is not an easy task, I know, I had 360 betta babies to look after last time I spawned bettas.

Besides, males and females only live together for a few days while they spawn, then the male chases her away and he looks after the nest. In a small tank, the male would kill a female (she could never swim away in a tank)

Don't worry about your betta being shy about eating when you first get him, he will figure it out sooner or later and will gladly come up and eat when he sees you comming.

Just feed him once per day, about 2 or 3 pellets at most.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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welcome- ich sort of looks like your fish has been sprinkled in salt. I know the idea of having to detect diseases is intimidating at first, but once you have Craig for a while you will be able to tell the difference between a healthy betta and a sickie. I am worried about you saying that he lies on the bottom of the tank though- can you tell us a bit more about the container he is in? Do you have a little heater for him?

Oct 10, 2004
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This is to both of ya'll who replied to me!
Ashleigh: He just kinda wanders down to the bottom of the tank and chills there he's doing it right now but i mean he just lays down what hes thinking i dunno scares the living hell outta me! he doesnt look like he was sprinkeled in salt so thats one good sign. hes in a lil betta tank i bough at walmart were i bought Craig at!
Iggy: I don't want to breed them lol it'd be to hard for him. but thanks for the help but ill be back so ya'll can keep helping me out with him :-d i love craig! hes the coolest fish ever oh yah is it unhealthy for me to stick a mirror up the the tank to see what he looks like mad lol... ive never seen one mad!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
All bettas are individuals. They are generally very slow swimmers, and like to sit around and rest a lot. Some rest at the surface, some rest on the bottom. Eventually, Craig will learn to recognize you and will swim over to the side whenever you go near him.

It doesn't hurt them to make them mad...they flare up their gills and make their fins look bigger. It really looks pretty. Because they are all individuals, some bettas will get mad when you hold up something bright near their tank, and some won't even care if there is another betta in a tank right next to theirs.

I have never found that you need a heater with male bettas. I've had one for around 4 years, and he was in a betta vase for about half that time. Now he is in a 2 gallon bowl. He has never had a heater, and is a large, healthy betta. The 3 other betta males I have are also in unheated tanks, with no ill effects, and I haven't lost a betta to temperature.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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It's always a good idea to keep reading- I've been doing this for a long time and the best thing to learn is that you are never going to totally "know what you are talking about" so to speak. Cliched, but true. Can you tell us a bit more about your goldfish?

Oct 10, 2004
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alright is it safe to put aqurium salt even if ur not sure about ich in ur tank? bc i dont want to kill my fish i just THINK they have ich! i want it to be killed and just to be on the safe side i just wanna put the salt in and try to kill it all lol.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Skip salt, bettas never need salt. Its simply not good for them, they can tolerate it, but it has no benefit for a betta. Salt is a goldfish remedy that somehow got mixed in with bettas.

Don't treat a fish till you know for sure its ill. Your betta is likey a little cool, making him a little more inactive.

RE: Unheated Betta Tanks

OK, while it is true bettas can live long lives at room temperature (unheated) tanks, that does not imply the betta is living a good life.

Bettas, like most tropicals, depend on warmer water temperature for their metabolism to operate properly. When a betta is cold, his activity is low PLUS him immune system is more vulnerable. A cold betta is more susceptable to all illnesses like parasites, bacteria and fungus.

For about $30.00 most people can affort a 5 gallon tank with a little 50w heater that a betta can live an actively, healthy lifetime in. Plus, you can do a lot more decorating and filtration in a 5 gallon tank in a tiny 1/4 to 1/2 gallon tank


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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good point- I like to keep bettas in a toasty, filtered tank. I know you must see them kept other wise, but like Iggy said- that is not ideal.
about the ich- I think she has determined that the betta does not have ich but thinks the goldfish do-

Oct 10, 2004
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My gold fish died earlier today ( found them aroun 3:15 floating) I had to have my grandma do the flushing of Carson and Chris. My mom never believed me until i called her and told her my fish were dead. Craigs doing good in his lil betta tank with no heater... most of my friends did the same thing as i am with there betta's and they lived a long time. i wont need a heater this winter we burn wood and it get extremely warm in my house... but it gets cold in my room at nite cuz i close my door and the heat doesnt come in my room but i can leave it open if it'd help the betta. So, craigs the only fish i got now and i need to clean my gold fish tank because Kermie my african dwarf frogs in there...