New, with a big algae problem

Sep 29, 2008
manitoba, Canada
Hi everyone, I just set up a 75 gallon freshwater tank not even 2 weeks ago. We went away for the weekend and came back to a almost completely green tank. I have 6 live plants in my tank as well, and they are also covered. We have a filter system that is for up to 120 gallons, so it should be keeping the tank fairly filtered...I would think...My fish are all community, with a variety of gouramis, 2 bala sharks and a small school of tetras.

How do I keep my tank from getting so much algae so fast, and how do I clean the plants off, they look terrible. I did a 50-70% water change so far in 2 different changes, but I do not want to have to do that every week just to keep it clean. Can anyone help?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Water changes every week for a fully stocked tank and every other week for one not so stocked are just what's needed. This is husbandry 101. The amount you did is a bit much. 20-30% should be fine.

Cleaning the algae off the plants depends on what kind of algae it is. If it's beard algae you pretty much have to trim the infected leaves off the plant. Hair algae can be removed with a tooth brush. Diatoms or brown algae can simply be wiped off with your fingers.

If these plants are fake a simple bath in weak bleach solution 10 to 1 will kill it. Just be sure to rinse them very carefully. A tank blackout can help with the rest of the tank but really isn't needed unless the algae is just completely out of control. A blackout is where you kill all the lights on the tank and wrap it in a thick blanket for 2-3 days.

As for slowing this growth down, cut back on how much you feed. Keep the lights on for a maximum of 8 hrs. Make sure the tank isn't in a room that gets direct sunlight. Add some plants like hornwort that don't need much light and are a great nitrate sponge. Make water changes a new religion for you. If after that you still have problems check your tap water for nitrates and phosphates.


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
When I was a total rookie at this game, not too long ago, I set up a 20 gallon tank in front of a window. You would not believe the algae problems I had.

All my tanks are away from any sun lighted windows and not a speck of the green stuff. The one tank I do have by a window is completely blocked from any sun light. Also, no algae. All water is crystal clear.