new with bettas


Large Fish
Sep 12, 2004
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i never had a betta before and i was wondering if anybody can tell me info and what's good and bad about to take care of them and what kind of tank they like.i'll appreciate it.:D

Dec 25, 2004
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Ah, bettas are fun and easy to keep and easy to keep happy. They are extremely hardy and can survive almost anything. I would suggest any of the kits you can find at the petstores/walmart that are at least two gallons. A filter isn't totally necessary, but he'd be a lot happier living with one. Same goes with a heater. Just make sure you don't feed him freeze dried brine shrimp or anything similar as a staple, cause bettas get constipation easily- just use them as treats. hmm, what else.


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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everything bluish said, and do regular water changes.
depends on what size of your tank is. if it's in a 2 gal tank, i'd say a weekly 50% water change. if anything less than that, better off do water change more frequently (like 2 / week). use aged water for water changes. sudden change in temp will likely to make them sick.
other than that, i think they LOVE live plants. it'd be great if you can give him a live plant. watch out though... rotted live plant can cause water pollution which isn't good. i use java ferns in my tank, and that seem quite good.
if he's alone (with no betta neighbour), you may want to show him a mirror to let him flare at it once in a while. i just thought that they won't get too bored that way :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Heater is a really good idea. Filter is optional., but helps keep the water looking cleaner. Use a very very low-current filter (if any)

Tall smoothe plants, like javafern, and a nice 5 gallon tank is a nice place for a betta to live.


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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They are hardy, but I've found heater is essential to keep the temp even. And yes, they are prone to constipation so watch out on too much dry food. I feed them every other day and have good results. If you feed them live worms ... one worm is enough. They are pigs and will eat forever. Floating plants are nice, they like to "beach" themselves on top of them. I do agree that nothing under 2 gallons ... If you can find almond leaves, drop a piece about the size of a quarter or 1/2 dollar into the tank. It replicates water conditions they are use to in the wild, plus it has a calming effect on them.