New Yellowtail Damselfish in sw only


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Hi again. I have now two little Yellowtail Damselfishes .
They are very shy. It's been only 8 hours since they moved into my aquarium....but man they're together in a lower corner of the tank, like they're scared to death. Except from the 2 powerheads and filters+ skimmer, there's no other noises, and even with le lights off they seem freezed at the bottom of my crushed coral. I did all the tests and the result were just fine. Are my aquaclear 402 powerheads ( in a 55 gal ) too powerfull for them and they just want to find dead spots ? There is one more relax than the other..a flashy blue color. The other is permanently grey and spikey. I don't like this. Can anyone help me ?

ps : At the store the Yellowtail Damselfishes were 90 in a 30 gallon and looked beautiful. I bought them at the greatest store were the fishes are pricy, but seems always healthy.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
well, 2 damsels in a 55 is certainly not too many damsels. is your tank completely empty? what sort of decoration, etc do they have to hide in? in my experience fish similar to damsels (clowns and chromis) like current to swim in so i doubt that they are hiding from the water flow. how did you acclimate them? Damsels are not shy...or at least they shouldn't be. it really sounds to me like they feel vulnerable


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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well i put the bag in the water for about 20 mn...then took a cleaned coffee cup and poured a little bit of my tank water into the bag...then waited. Every 20 mn i poured some until the bag was full and they looked ok.

They look better this morning...wouhou...swimming in other areas and looking more bleu than grey.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Ok now 6 days later. There's one who wants to kill the this fish can be aggressive ! Sooo territorial.
Always the same pattern with those 2 fishes. I had to put one in a bucket for couples of hours and feed it 'cause the other one is always trying to eat all the frozen shrimps and hunting the other one if it tries to feed. In the morning, the scared one is very pale, and is hiding into a shell 'cause it's scared. The mean one is bright and blue...always full of life and is not freightened when i'm close to the tank.

I guess i bought a bully and a wimp .