Newb To fish tanks with some questions.

Jan 8, 2013
Hey everyone! I was looking for something to take up extra space in my living room and have always wanted a fish tank. I was on craigslist yesterday and happen to see this tank and cabinet with extras pop up for sale and decided to jump on it since altogether it was only 200. It is a 75 gallon tank and I am going to do freshwater due to what I have heard about cost of a saltwater. My first question is, since this tank has not had fish or water in it for probably at least a year what should i clean it and the rocks/decorations with? the tank looks visually pretty clean except for some cloudiness towards the top of the tank Screenshot_2013-01-07-17-09-17.jpg 20130108_101110.jpg 20130108_101011.jpg


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
I usually give a tank a good cleaning. I use a paste made from ordinary table salt (Without iodine) and a soft sponge.
-(I do not use a sponge or cloth that has been used with soap or chemicals.)
-(I have buckets and sponges that are used only for my tanks.)
The salt paste does not scratch glass and does a fair job at removing the deposits from the surface of the glass (be sure the sponge or cloth used to apply the paste with is not coarse enough to scratch the glass on its own and watch for bits of gravel that seem to jump into the salt paste.) (Letting the salt paste dry to a haze should desiccate most critters if you want to disinfect a bit.)(Note- wetting the glass will soften up the deposits somewhat.) Rinse the salt paste out and let the tank dry.

For stubborn mineral deposits, a razor blade in a holder that gives a firm grip is useful. Use a shallow angle on the blade and keep an eye on the corners of the blade. The corners sometimes get bent and will scratch a thin line.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Also fill the tank up outside first, on a flat level surface (filling an uneven tank will put pressure on the seams and can cause failure). That way if you have a leak or total failure, it's outside. Suppose you could use a garage too, if you don't mind potential wetness in there.

The rocks / decorations you can clean with a new toothbrush as necessary, the gravel should just get a good thorough rinse.