NEWB to the saltwater world

Jan 24, 2006

Hey everyone im am probbly the biggest newb and the saltwater world. i have a couple questions i hope get answered.
Right now i have a 55 gallon with live sand two power heads an Emperor 400, a heater and a protein skimmer thats getting updated at the beginning of next month. oh ya and a smaller live rock. this too i am adding more of.
my tank has been cycling since the the beginning of jan. so far i have a baby hermit crab and 5 bumble bee snails, and brown algae on my dead corals and rocks. i swear i am the most impatient person in the world. and want to add fish at the beginning of next month sometime.
I was wondering
1 how to tell when a tank is done cycling? and
2 if the fish i want to get will get along?
the fish i plan on getting are
>4 or 5 damsels
>a lion fish
>fox face
>panther grouper
>arrow crab
>and turbo snails
will they work ?
Please HELP
Thanks all.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Hello and welcome,
In regards to your fish choices: Lion Fish will eat the damsels for sure and a 55gal isn't big enough for a panther grouper - they get HUGE.
I'll leave your other questions up to someone else :D


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
a 55 is even small for a lion, unless its a dwarf... def. not a good idea on the panther grouper....Everything else should be ok, the arrow crab will get large and agressive, but thats your call. Your tank will be done cycling when your tests are all at 0, 0 amonia, 0 nitrite, and >20 ppm of nitrate....get some test kits, and you will know.

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
could have a spike later on down the road though right aresgod? salt will take a good 2 months to fully cycle(well some say longer). unless you take some short cuts(live sand, cured rock, salt water from, someone els's tank) and the best advice i can give you is not to be impatient. do your home work. talk to your local fish store about the fish you want to get and dont rush it. look into different area's of the tank. Such as your filter, skimmer, water flow, how much live rock you want stuff like like. even look into what kinda of water to fill your tank up with..(R/O)...Its a great hobbie and lots of fun, just try not to blow money on stuff you dont need.