newbie 10gallon fish suggestions

Dec 28, 2005
hi. im new, starting with a 10 gallon fish tank. i was wondering what kind of fish are compatible with which? i really want colorful and active fish, but i dont know anything about them... any suggestions? thanks i really appreciate it.

Nov 3, 2005
New York
neon tetra are colorful, alot of small fish , community fish are all compatible, just about all of em, u can chose from mollies, guppies, danios, serpae tetras, tiger barbs, theres alot of small fish out there, not all are compitable with each other, any idea what you are goin to get?

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
hey there...welcome to the tank...

i'm a newbie too...i've just set up a 40gall[imp] tank...
my first...and i love it...[check my avatar] ...

first thing...can you only afford/have room for a ten gallon...
i really would recommend a bigger big as you can get...
bigger tank means more fish...easier to control temp....
easier water changes...and lowered risk of sick fishies...

try and get as big as you won't regret it...

as for swimmers...tetras and neons would be great...
they like to be in groups ... keeps them happy...
and makes them active so it looks cool...

if you can get a larger tank i would recommend cories...
i have 6 leopard cories...they are superb...very active...
they scoot about like little dolphins...fantastic...

pop a betta in too...full of character...

check out my sigg. at the community is chilled...

surf the 'net for a compatability chart...
i've seen a couple that compare lots of fish...
and tell you if they can co-habit...

ask here too...i always ask and research before i buy a new fish...
betta safe than sorry...

hope this helps...
main point is...get as big a tank as you can ... [within reason] ....

seeya s ... :)

Sep 16, 2005
i've never heard of neon danios... are you talking about those red Glo-fish?

basically the best thing to do would be to pick out a list of fish... if you post a message saying "i want these, and these, and these, and these" people will be more than happy to tell you who will get along with who and which ones are not such good ideas. (i can't think of a list of colorful yet peaceful fish right now off the top of my head)

oh, and instead of picking out some "hardy fish" (which usually end up to be mean little buggers in a community anyway), you should check out fishless cycling. it makes for happier little fishies cruising around, because they'll never be subjected to unsafe ammonia and nitrite levels. *thumbsups


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
check out iggy's recipe for a fishless cycle.

i'm a believer that fishless is the way to go. chekc out the other sticky's in teh FW beginners section.

danios are definitly active. there are lots of great tetras, too. i had 5 black skirt tetras in my first tank (years and years ago!) and i really enjoyed them, since they schooled nicely.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
If I had an empty 10 gallon tank and wanted it to be a community tank (that is mixing compatible fish instead of just having one kind which is usually called a "species tank")...I think I would get a nice school of harlequin rasboras (say 6 or 7?) and an apple snail. Probably get a couple of ottos (otocinclus...little sucker fish) and call it good.

Like cybersymes said you're pretty limited in what you can get in a 10G. It has to be a tiny schooling fish (like a neon tetra, cardinal tetra, ember tetra, harlequin rasbora) or a single fish that gets a little larger like a betta, but usually aren't really compatible with a whole lot of other fish.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
I like Froggy's suggestion, that should be nice. :) Endlers or guppies are colorful and active as well -- maybe just get male gups instead of the harlies if you prefer. Swordtails and mollies are really not good 10 gallon inhabitants, they need more room.