Newbie Betta Keeper with a Question

Aug 12, 2011
Hey, so I'm pretty new to keeping Bettas (I've had my first one for about 3 months) and I keep two tanks.

The water in both tanks started developing a translucent film over the surface of the water a couple of weeks after I introduced the fish. I've tried to get rid of it, but even changing out the water from the surface doesn't get it all. Also, a complete water change of the oldest tank didn't do anything since the film came back not long after. What's more, I've noticed bubbles in it, but no fully formed bubblenests (I have three male bettas; one by himself and two in a divided tank).

Mainly what bothers me is I'm not sure what it is. All three of my boys are happy and healthy, and this mystery film doesn't seem to be having any adverse affects. My oldest, America, has been living with this stuff for three months without any apparent damage to his health. But like I said, it bothers me that I don't know what it is. Any ideas what this stuff may be?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Let's start with what your water source is, do you treat it or is it well water? Do you have any decor, plants or substrate in the tank? Have you tried setting a glass of water out to see if the same thing happens? Do you clean the bowl with anything? Could it possibly come from any of the food you feed? One thing that has always surprised me is the amount of oil particles in the air from cooking and how far these particles can travel in my house. They are extremely fine and I don't notice them until I dust - things like my cookbook collection which is in a room away from the stove. Do you spray for anything or use things like air freshners? These are just some things that come to mind. I know I have seen film on water, but for the life of me I can't remember where or what it was from, but it seems like I blotted it up with a paper towel.

Oct 15, 2010
Likely just the regular protein film. This would also explain the bubbles Add a small filter or weak bubbler, that should help because with the surface of the water being moved, the film cannot build up. ;)

Aug 12, 2011
Thyra: I have well water, but to be safe I still treat it with a water conditioner. I also have plants, decor, and substrate, but both tanks show the same thing even though the amount of plants, type of substrate, and decor are different. I'll try seeing if the paper towel can get it up.

Betta Lover22: I already have filters in both tanks, but I'll see what I can do about a gentle bubbler. I'm going to try Thyra's suggestion until my finances allow for buying a bit more equipment for my tanks. Right now I have to budget strictly since I'm about to move back to college in a couple of weeks.

And thanks both of you for answering my question! Also, do either of you have any more tips about keeping bettas or fish in general? You can never have too much good advice from experienced people.