Newbie Disinfecting Plants


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
South Africa
Hi, All

What is the best method, in your experience, for disinfecting plants from snail eggs and bacteria before putting them in a new tank?

I just bought some Potassium Permanganate - it comes in a small bottle in crystal form - any idea about how much to use i.e. how to dilute it?  Is Potassium Permanganate the best choice here?

Thanks for your assistance - much appreciated!



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'd give them a quick dip in a bleach solution.   I believe it is 1 tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water, you might want to read the Javex bottle, to make sure...

dip it a few times in the bleach,  and then soak it in a bucket with lots of dechlorinator for a day... and you should be fine

...  actually you shouldn't have to disinfect plants from the LFS etc in the first place, they are pretty good - I have never seen a plant infected with bacteria, and the only plant I had snail eggs on was vallisernia, and the clown loach took care of that  :D

I have no idea what Potassium Permanganate is.

Hey Somonas,

What if your head wasn't screwed on right today, and you had a couple plants in the bleach and totally forgot to soak in dechlorinator before putting in the tank?

I can't believe I fogot to rinse them with the dechlorinator, I even knew I was to do that before putting them in, but somehow my 2 year old always distracts me and gets me to forget what I'm suppose to be doing!

I went ahead and put several drops into the tank as soon as I read your post. I just put the plants in there about and hour-two ago. I did rinse them off with just the tap water for a while, just forgot to use the dechlorinator.

Do you think it'll be okay? Thanks for your advice!