Newbie..Fish Advice Needed ;)

Oct 24, 2005
Hey all,

I'm very interested in starting up a small aquarium of my own. From research I have decided to go with the 60 litre (just under 16 gallons) BioOrb by Reef One:

As for fish choice, I am trying to follow the inch per gallon reasoning (is this worth doing so? I have looked at other people's tanks and they seem to far exceed the limit according to that rule) and so far I have come up with:

Male + Female Betta (6 inches total)
Upside Down Catfish (4 inches)

What I'm looking for in the last fish is something quite flashy, I am considering a ruby shark, but from what I have read they can be quite agressive and prey on the other fish..=/ I was wondering if you knew of a fish that is as sexy as the ruby shark but less agressive? Or maybe just introduce a ruby last so the others have had time to grow...?

What do you think?

Also, I was wondering if any UK fish keepers here could recommend me a good online freshwater fish shop?

Thanks very much =)



Medium Fish
Sep 18, 2005
The one inch per gallon is not definite AT ALL. I've said this before, I've never used this rule. There are so many other factors (fish activity level, waste production, water strata preference, plants/no plants, etc etc etc).

I'm not that knowledgable on all fish species, so I'm sure someone else can point you out to some good ones. By the way, does male + female betta mean you're going to put both in the same tank?? The male will incessantly bother her if she's not ready for spawning. Male+male will result in a fight. Good luck.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
The inch of fish per gallon rule is a great guideline for someone who doesn't know all of the other factors yet and is just starting out with planning a tank. Its best for use with the fish that stay under 4 inches, in at least a 10 gallon tank and it was never meant to be a set in stone rule. Especially since US and UK gallons are different sizes and all the different factors like charlius mentioned.

Is your tank 16 US or UK gallons?

If you want to put a betta in a community tank you might look around at others who have bettas in community tanks and be sure that the fish you pick will leave the betta alone. They all have very different tempraments and are usually best kept alone or with critters like snails and dwarf frogs that stay out of their way...but some are very tolerant and work well in community settings.

I'd have to look it up, but I dont think a 16 gallon is going to be big enough for a ruby shark, as well as they can become aggressive and might nip at the betta. When you're planning a tank you want to take into account the fish's adult size.

Upside down catfish's are best kept in I'm not sure I'd get just one.

Have you seen our fish profiles?

Oct 24, 2005
Yeah, after some more research, I think I won't bother with bettas, they aren't really what I'm looking for.

The tank is just under 16 US gallons =)

Well, the max the ruby sharks grow is up to 6 inches, but hmm don't really what the nipping, prefer a nice peaceful loving tank =P

It's difficult, I'm still researching but as a beginner I'm rather limited in selection - I don't want lots of little fishies, I'd prefer 4 or 5 bigger 3-4 inch ones that are aren't really what you'd find in the average bowl - nothing too out there but...get my drift?

Any ideas...? I was thinking maybe two pictuses (as these are more active than the upside downers) and two kuhli loaches and maybe one other? (Not introducing them all at once of course =P)

Thanks for all the help so far and the research is proving to be very interesting =)



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Pictus cats get way too large and are much too active for that size of tank...I have one in my 46 that is a lot of fun, but I wouldn't want to keep him in any smaller of a tank than he's in. He's only maybe 5 inches long and will probably grow another 3-5 inches.

Bettas are great fish...wouldn't be my personal choice for a community tank, but I have one at home in a 5g and he's pretty cool :) Maybe you could set up another tank for one sometime.

I see what you're saying, the only issue with larger fish is that usually they require a larger aquarium :) How about some tiger barbs, have you looked at them? They're active and flashy...they get to be 3 inches or so you could probably get a group of 4-5 of them and have room leftover for a bottom feeder/cleanup crew/algae eater.

While you're researching did you see this thread? : Lots of great info in there about setting up a tank for the first time.

Oct 24, 2005
Hmm Ok, thanks a lot froggyfox I'll take that all into consideration =). Although I do not intend to have only this one tank, provided I am still interested I'd like to purchase a larger one in the future

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