Newbie from North Carolina


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Maiden, North Carolina
[glow=red,2,300]  Hi all. I am new to this forum and to fish as pets too. I have grown up with dogs and then got into reptiles and rodents while in apartments as an adult. I now have a family and am in a rental house. I cannot have cats or dogs, am allergic to many "hairy " animals, and still yearn for a pet.

I have recently gotten a 5 gallon tank. I now have a male fantail guppy, a pregnant mickey (should I say platy and a spotted catfish. Instead of upgrading to a bigger tank. I use the money intended to buy a gravel vacuum,PH and ammonia test kits, a breader box,and other items to make sure everything works well in any tank. Later I will convience my husband we can invest more money in a bigger tank set.

I have lost alot of my hobbies and interests over the years with stress and health problems. I have developed a growing love for tropical fish. I am hoping I do well and have beautiful health fish.
I am also an insomniac so you can message me at  MSn-kittyfyi, Yahoo-kittyfyinc or e-mail anytime.[/glow]


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Dells
Welcome Kitty, That was my reasoning behind getting into the aquatic kingdom, landlord would not allow pets. Just bought a house now have 6 tanks.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
shreve, ohio
good luck w/ convincing your husband my wife hates my tank i started w/ a 10 then added a 30 she hated that moved sold the 30 set the 10 backup moved again left the 10 up got a 20 set the 10 up in my sons room keep the 20 downstairs moved again finally bought this one gave the 10 gal to my sister keep the 20 and bought a 55 man is she pissed and now i have two tanks running and doing great need more stuff thought so if you jump around w/ the tank size maybe he wont care as much mine still did but i can hope yours likes some of your hobbies
den den

Heh, My wife doesn't like most of my hobbies either, but I think that this aquarium thing is growing on her, I got some bettas to breed a couple nights ago and she seemed to be delighted when I pointed out the fish embracing each other. She kept reminding me to go check on them so the male did not hust the female. She wants a salt water tank, but it sounds pretty expensive and time consuming. Right now I've got four tanks set up in my house. A 135 gallon community tank with clown loaches, bala sharks, congo tetras, feeder guppies, reticulated cory cats, a pictus catfish, fiddler crabs, a betta, and a dwarf african frog. I have a 55 gallon corner aquarium with three young discus, a couple of dwarf gouramis, and a mixed fleet of neons and cardinals. In my daughters room there is a 10 gallon tank with six mollies and a couple snails. In the garage I have a 20 gallon tank that is currently being used to grow out about a hundred and fifty great ramshorn snails. They are about the size of small marbles right now and I don't know what I'm going to do with them. If anyone wants some just send me money for shipping and packaging materials.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Aren't I lucky, both my BF and I have the aquarium bug. He's more into large marine set ups and aggressive fish (I guess that's a guy thing *shrug*) but I like little communities and quiet peaceful tanks. We balance each other well.  Its nice. Instead of having to spend lots of money trying to "do stuff" like most "normal" couples do on the weekends, we go pet-shop touring together!

Welcome to aquatica<G>.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Maiden, North Carolina
Well that does seem nice. My husband is a techie and doesn't leave home much. I am a stay at home mom with health problems too. So fish are a good hobby for me and not a bother for him. He seems to like it but we don't have alot of money to spend on a bigger tank right now :p
I am going garage saling (sale+ing?) tomorrow morning. If I can find a decent set-up then he will make sure it doesn't leak and it will cost alot less. I will still but a new filter immediately or real soon to make sure it is good for my fish.
:Dthis hobby started out with me trying to find a nice pet for my kids and have turned out to be "my fish". well with me being at home alot it is nice to have something pleasant to focus on. I was thinking about getting a 20 gallon tank later for a bigger fish set-up and using the 5 gallon for babies. But that will be a while. I am surfing the online papers in NC to find any fish or aquariums for sale cheep or for give away.
Still excited, 4 platty babies found today.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Maiden, North Carolina
;D Well after getting half the money needed I was able to get a 10 gallon tank set. It has the whisper filter and duel lights. I had already bought gravel and had a heat pump,since I didn't need it for the 5 gallon. (lights and room heated 5 gal just fine)
Hubby gave the the other half so I could go get my new tank. I think he realized this is something fun for the whole family. My daughter found 2 more fry that was just born early this week. We now have 6 baby platys. I have also got a mate for the guppy and platy(her earlier mate died). So we have a couple of platys,couple of guppys,one cordy fish, and 6 baby platys.
I will put the adults in the big tank and keep the frys in the smaller tank.