Newbie from up north!


Small Fish
Dec 17, 2002
Quebec, Canada
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Nice to see such a forum, filled with people with great knowledge! Everything I need to discover this fantastic world...

Who am I?
A lil guy who was always amazed to see the wounders of the sea, exotic fish blooming with colors...Jacques Cousteau showing my little brain these never seen pictures of oceanic worlds... anyhow.. I finally decided to begin this neat hobby...

My setup... smallish at the moment... 5½ G. aquarium bought as a kit (wish I wouls have bought a bigger one... :) Now that the water stabilised I bought some happy little fishies and invertebrates. 2 Kuhli Loaches (they are the cutest). 2 Cardinal Tetra. and 7 Ghost shrimp. Can't wait to get rid of those plastic plants just can't settle my mind on variety... Perhaps you guys (and gals :) will help me with that...

It's verry nice to be part of such a community

Hope I hear from you


Oct 22, 2002
Not to mention overfeeding....and adding water staight form the tap without letting it age, or(if you live in a place where there is metals in the water) water conditioner.

You never know what the companies decide to put in the water.....chlorine chloramine metals..deadly to fish unless you get rid of them.

Chlorine will dissapear into the air if the water is set out for 24-48 hours..the others usually have to be tackled with water conditioner.

Considering that your fish are still alive right now, you must know about the latter.

also, beginners generall decide to put to many checmicals into the water. The ph up and down are dangerous(they might not a more, you swing the ph and the fish float up dead)Algaeacide...dangerous ot dela with,just might kil your plants and fish too!Natural way ot do this is the algae scraper.. Medicine. Most of hte time, your fish are figting off disease with there immune systems, if your fish is sick, first target the problem.then the disease.

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Small Fish
Dec 17, 2002
Quebec, Canada
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Thank you for the precious guidelines.

As for water quality I use tap water with out any prolbems. We don't have any water treatement plants to deal with as we pump our own water through underground water. I probly should check it for metal content but cannot find a test kit for those.

My PH is now stable at 6,7 and I sure hope it'll stay that way, as for algae I hope my ghost shrimps will take care of those...

Now the only thing that worries me is the lighting. Are those filament bulb any good? Or do they just heat up the water and encourage algae growth?

I thought about using LED lighting, anyone allready experienced with that? Using two led color: Blue (450nm) and Red (660nm). Not only used as night lighting but all day long..

please share your ideas on this...

Your little tank sounds pretty cool. I'd consider a mix like that if I was constrained to one small tank (Thank goodness I'm not.) Overcrowding isn't just a newbie mistake, it happens to a lot of us that are just overzelous about our fish. I'm dealing with effects of overcrowding as this very moment.

Welcome to the tank!


Small Fish
Dec 17, 2002
Quebec, Canada
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overcrowding you say...


Well for now it seems to be a well balanced system... a bit small I have to admit... allready planning on a bigger tank :)

What are the worst effect one may find if he has to deal with overcrowding? Ammonia rise? ...?

I thought about adding a guppy couple and maybe a newt to keep population under control..


Nice to see ya, if you plan on visiting Quebec drop me a line I'll show you my setup ;)


Medium Fish
Nov 26, 2002
Vancouver, BC
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Don't worry about the newt...guppies are cannibalistic. Actually, I made a friend not talk to me for a month, when I described her guppies as "raping cannibalistic little bastards"...I was trying to get a rise, but perhaps that was a bit strong...that I was only paraphrasing (badly, I admit) the scientific literature is not an excuse that works very well, apparently. Anyway, the guppy died and she's talking to me again.