Newbie Here "Sorta"


New Fish
Oct 16, 2005
This is my first post. So everyone Hi!

It has been along time since I had a aquarium. Well about 10 years. Now I will be setting up a 75gal. that I got from a friend. The ? I have are undergravel filters still being used or something new I should know about? The last tank I had was a 55gal. with undergravel filter with air pumps and a canister filter. Thanks


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
welcome to the forum and welcome back to the hobby!!!!!! :) :) :) first off, i'm jealous you got a 75g from a friend. personally (and this is debated amongst hobbyists...hell the aquarium i work at still uses UGFs...!) i think UGFs are antiquated, as there are much better and more efficient means of filtration availible today in a variety of prices.

i would recomend ditching the UGF (they are good at colonizing bacteria and aeration, but they build up debris in the plate and should be cleaned anually) and go with a canister rated for your system. canisters are very quiet
(virtually silent), efficient and you can add a variety of filtering material within it depending on what you want.

what do you plan on stocking it with???


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2005
Metuchen, NJ
Hey BobOjr - Welcome back!

Check out biowheels. They hang on the back and can be fed from the canister filter to provide biological filtration. I know I never remembered hearing about them 5-10 years ago. Marineland makes a great one.


Large Fish
Oct 15, 2004
Visit site
You have yourself a really good friend. Well, using an underground filter is very messy and if you plan to keep a planted tank you will have to redesign your whole bottom each time you have to do a maintance on the filter. The canister filters are much more efficent for a tank of your size.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Welcome! :) I believe there is someone (dogdoc?) who is in the process of setting up a 75 right now and had some similar questions about filtration if you do a search on the board? I think the general consensus was on a tank that big its adventagous to have more than one type of, buy a canister filter and an HOB. So that you have two different types of filtration, more surface agitation than just the canister so a higher 02 content in the water, plus a backup in case one of them has something go wrong with it.

As for the UGF's...they work well, but IMO they're unsightly and there are so many setbacks to using them (like the ones seastaar described, they're also a pain if you want to use real plants) and powerfilters have come down to a reasonable price so there really isn't any reason to use them unless you really like the look or some other reason like there really isn't anything to "break" on them unless your air pump goes down or you need to replace an airstone? bigals has great sure to check them out after you've done some research on the different brands of filters as they almost always have great price breaks compared to your local stores (even after shipping).


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Personally, I would recommend the canister fliters as well. The Fluvals in particular. They are the best on the market right now, from what I'm told. I have a 404 Fluval and it's great. It's suppossed to cycle the water in my tank about 4 times an hour and it is really quite. You can get them online for a relatively better price than what they are in the store.

I had a UGF at first, but now I don't. So far my tank is doing a lot better with out it.

fiugzel suggested a biowheel, if you really want one of those I have one I don't want and wouldn't mind sending to someone.

Welcome *SUPERSMIL I hope you enjoy it here.

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New Fish
Oct 16, 2005
Thanks for the responses, I will try to let everone know how it goes. I will try some Bala sharks ,a pleco or two and I wonder how would a small school of tiger barbs work or anyone got any other suggestions. Thanks