newbie here!


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO

i dont thik that i myself ever had a proper introduction.

i am a 22 year old white male, medium build, green eyes, i enjoy long walks in the park................

*clears throat......sorry bout that :)

i became interested in fish keeping several years ago when a buddy of mine bought a 10 gallon starter kit that i became obsessed with.

you know him better as "allthingsanimal" :)

i now am finishing a BS in biology (wildlife emphasis) at the end of this semester, and then working on Missouri state teacher certification. (i figured that i wanted to make the big bucks :rolleyes: )

my wife is student teaching next fall and will have a degree in special ed, and then is going to pursue a masters with the intent to specialize in autism.

that basically sums it up, not much else to tell.