Newbie here


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Hi guys, found your forum through a member who joined a forum of 'mine' ;) I'm SinisterKisses, aka Sin or SK to most or Kissy to one or two of them. I live in BC, Canada, and have been keeping fish obsessively for 14 years (I started young, I'm only 23!) I am completely and utterly obsessed with my cichlids, and keep Central American, South American, Lake Malawi, and Lake Tang fish. I have 13 tanks up and running at the moment, ranging from 90gal down to 5gal sizes, and am setting up a new 33gal next week as well. At last count, I had about 110 fish, and besides my cichlids I also have a goldfish tank, a tetra and gourami tank, and a few bettas here and there.