newbie intro

Oct 22, 2002

figure i'd post that i'm new here:

stumbled upon the site awhile back, from a recommendation from another forum. pretty cool site here.

I posted my tank set-up in FW beginner's the otyher day but here it is again:

I've always wanted a tank, but never had the place to put it or the time - Last april, my fiancee and i were @ the local carnival and i won 2 goldfish - got them home and had them in the fish bowl they give you. a month and half later i got the 20g I have now, along with 5 red-eye tetras (to help with the new fish cycle) :

so for the past couple months the goldfish and tetras have been living together. just now have been taking a huge interest in the tank and starting to leard more about the fish and maintenace of the tank.

that's about it....*celebrate