Newbie question about stocking 20g..


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Hi all,

My tank is newly started, recently cycled, and I am trying to figure out just what direction I want to go with it. It's a freshwater aquarium, and right now I have 1 pygmy cory, 2 longfin leopard danios, and 2 gold zebra danios. I am thinking I will definitley add 2-3 more corys, and possibly 2 more regular zebras. I was also thinking maybe a shoal of tetras, but I want one really striking "centrepiece" type fish. My first thought was a red-tailed black shark, since I know they are solitary fish and I have always loved the look of them, however upon doing more research, I've found that they can grow up to 5 inches in length, and would outgrow my tank. I also have two ADF's right now in a 2.5 gal, would the 20 gal be a suitable set-up for them? The tank is heavily planted, and I have been contemplating adding a second filter, plus I do twice-weekly water changes of 20%.

The LFS has red-tailed sharks right now that are maybe a little over an inch long, how long would it take for it to outgrow my tank? I am certainly not averse to setting up a larger tank for the little guy in the future (what a perfect excuse for buying another tank!), but if it's a matter of mere months before he outgrows the 20 gal, then I will steer clear for now. Also, what is the minimum appropriate aquarium size for a full-grown red-tailed shark, for future reference? What are suitable fish for it to co-habitate with?

So, any suggestions for a "centrepiece" fish? I would want no more than a pair of them. I was thinking maybe dwarf gouramis, as I have seen several varieties at the LFS, though in my area the fish selection is very modest for the most part. I want something really striking looking, that is a good community fish, is not hard on plants, and will happily thrive in the above set-up. Please enlighten me, I have been doing a LOT of research the past year before I actually acquired my tank, and I am incredibly eager for more information and guidance to aid in setting up a tank to be proud of.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i wouldnt go with a red tail shark, as it grows it will likely eat your cories lol.

In a tank that size, you can put MUCH more than just 2-3 more cories. pygmys would be so much happier if you had 10+ of them in there.

Some centerpiece fish can include the mentioned gouramies, bolivian rams, german rams, dwarf gouramies..

Jan 5, 2010
vancouver bc
it will take more than a year for the red tailed black sharks to become too big. Mine took about a year to outgrow a 10 gallon, it's been about another year and he's not too big for my 40 gallon yet but he's getting too big for the fish in there. Starting to become aggressive.

Jan 5, 2010
vancouver bc
oh.. just because I was looking into german rams (id love to own a pair in my 50 gallon) and some of the sites said they can be hard to keep alive (not fish for beginners), now I'm no beginner but I'm also no expert.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
it's not a fish for beginners because most beginners have issues about keeping their tank properly cycled, where those rams die off because of ammonia or nitrite in the water. or too few water changes (any fish likes less than 20ppm of nitrates in their water)


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Excellent, thanks everyone for the suggestions. I added 3 otos last weekend and they are doing an excellent clean-up job of the brown algae I mentioned in the Dirty Tank thread. Plus they are too cute! My tank has really started to come around, I hauled out the dying plants, and salvaged what I could. Plus I picked up two new plants that were on sale when I bought the otos last weekend. Really I have a jumble of plants in there now, and only one that I know the name of (cabomba..) so I am slowly going to try and make it into a more structured, planned-out planting that has more aesthetic value.

I'm keeping an eye on ammonia/nitrites/nitrates since I bought the otos, and if everything is still looking good this weekend, I am going to rehome the pygmy cory and buy 3-4 standard-size cories. The LPS has a tank of asst. cories, I was taking a look last weekend and it seemed they only had albinos and emerald greens, but I am crossing my fingers they may have some Pandas if/when I go back this weekend.

Also, you guys mentioned the gouramis, and they are beautiful fish, I've decided they are most likely what I'm going to go with, I absolutely love the look of the rams but at this point in the game, I want a little more experience before taking on the care of a more sensitive fish. I really love variety in the tank, and I'm wondering, could I get a pearl and a dwarf gourami, or would there be aggression issues between the two of them? If there would be, I will most likely end up with a pair of pearls, but if at all possible I'd really love to have a bit of that variety in the tank.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Just curious...what size is your tank? That might help us a lot with helping you determine what you could stock. :) I've heard that the aggression issues between gouramis are mainly territorial, but I could be wrong about that. If you had a big enough tank, you might be able to get away with a dwarf and a pearl (I've seen different kinds of gouramis in the same tank before with no issues, but like some bettas are fine with other fish and some aren't, it could have been those particular fish).


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
I think the gouramis would be great, and it sounds like it'll be a cool set up. I envy you that you found dwarf corys, because I REALLY want some, but the smallest corys any store has are Julii, which are still pretty cool. Good luck!!!