Newbie questions

May 23, 2005
Brisbane, Australia

Newbie here. Just recently finished cycling my 42-gal tank (fishless) and now in the process of stocking the tank (exciting part! :D). Some questions about tank maintenance:
1. How long should I (or do you) light the tank daily? I don't have any live plants (only plastic ones) and the tank is in an area of the house that doesn't get much light. Right now I set the timer to turn on at 6-11am and 6-9pm (I feed the fish around 7am and 7pm). Do you think that's too much light (future algae problem)?
2. I currently have the heater set around 26C (76F). I plan to use water from the garden tap - which can be quite cold ATM (it's almost winter here in Australia) - for water changes. Just wondering what you pros do to get your replacement water the same temp as the tank water? I thought about either buying a cheap heater or add hot water to the bucket. Sorry if this is a silly question.

Thanks very much in advance for any advice!


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
9hrs a day is plenty enough light for your tank. With that much I don't foresee any bad algae problems for you, but that also depends on how much you feed the fish. The less wasted food in the tank, the less algae is going to grow.

I use tap water and a python for all my water changes. A python is worth its weight in gold IMO. You may want to look into it with a 42 gallon tank. But to answer you question, yes you could add water to a bucket and then heat it up either way. It would be easier to get an accurate temp using the heater, but adding hot water would be quicker.


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I don't measure the temp in my replacement water if I am doing a routine change, I just make sure it doesnt feel warm or cold...just rather neutral. The tank's temp will acclimate it quickly.
Welcome to the site!

May 23, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Thanks for the replies. I would love to get a Python, but I haven't been able to find one here in Australia. So I'm stuck with the old gravel vacuum and big buckets to lug around (consider it exercise). :)
Plus I heard water from the tank is good for watering plants?

BTW, here's another question: I've had my 22 fish for about a week now, and last night when I tested the water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, all 3 tests come back with 0ppm. I would expect to see at least some nitrate (otherwise where does it go? I don't have any live plants and haven't done a water change). I have an Eheim canister filter, but that probably has nothing to do with it. Any idea?
