Newbie - "racist" platies, bad advice, disease, etc

Apr 28, 2012

I'm a newbie, recently got a 55 gallon freshwater tank. I have to say getting a fish tank is a bit like being pregnant and having a baby... you get so much advice! Some of it is bad, some of it is worse and finally some of it is good (mostly on the internet). A petstore told us to get fish straight away, change water monthly, no mention of cycling, oh and sold us some diseased fish too. Currently treating ich and all 6 danios dead. Funny enough though before you say ammonia poisoning, we kept having the water tested and they said it was fine. (Maybe to get us to buy more fish?) I just got my own test kit and it's not very high, think around 0.5, I will do it again next few days and read more accurately. Anyway I think we're getting there with the cycling because the other fish seem fine.

We have 3 female platies (2 pregnant i think) and 1 male.
3 lemon tetras, 3 flame tetras
2 garbage fish as my kids call them, can't remember the name, something with P, I think.

One question: We got the 3 female platies first, they are all orange with black tails. I was clueless at first and didn't realise they were all female. Wanted to get a male platy too and saw a pretty one who is almost transparent with some blue/black coloring on the sides. Have had him for about 4 days. He seems a bit left out and don't really "hang out" with the other platies. Is it possible that this is because he's a different color? Or should it not matter? I hope the females get more friendly to him soon!


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi, welcome to the forum and to the world of fishkeeping. Glad that you got your own test kit, as this will be something you turn to repeatedly.
Your platies shouldn't be too affected by their different coloration - the male may just be get acclimated to his new home. In fact in time he may end up harassing the females, but your ratio of male:female is good.
Don't judge your cycling process just by the fish behaviour - do test the water and when you get to 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and some nitrates you are officially cycled.
If you are still showing any ammonia after you have nitrates, you should test your tap water too - if your tap water shows ammonia you probably have chloramine in your water system and it will give you a false positive reading (assuming you are using a proper water conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramine).

Apr 28, 2012
Hi and thank you for replying! I think you're right, the male platy seems happier now. Actually the danios departing seems to have de-stressed the whole tank, don't think I'll be getting those again... Yes I know we're probably not officially cycled yet but at least it seems ammonia is not high enough to make the present fish sick. Don't think I'll be buying fish from where I bought the danios that all died, looks like they might have had neon disease, read the symptoms and most of it fits... and 3 flame tetras from same shop had Ich, just finished the treatment and hope it doesn't come back. Now I'm going to wait a while to make sure we have zero ammonia and no more disease! Then I want to get a few guppies too. I love watching my fish and I hope they are happy! :)


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
I started keeping fish not to long ago and was completely misinformed from a big box pet store just as you were. Our fish kept dying and the store kept testing our water and every time it registered fine. I think for one they test with paper strips which I have been told are inaccurate and I really believe that ammonia disipates or evaporates in the time it takes to drive to the store, because my test results were always different then theirs. The real key for us was purchasing a "master test kit" which has about 5 different testing vials for different parameters. It ran about $25 but was well worth it, because when you think your fish might be acting "a little off" you can test everything right then and there and know whats wrong or isn't wrong.

Apr 28, 2012
Yeah it's crazy isn't it... The thing is though that the people we spoke to seemed quite knowledgable, they sure fooled us newbies. We have 3 chain pet store around where we live, don't think I'll be buying any more fish or plants from any of them. We also have a specialist fish store a little bit further away which seems better. Good luck FishDad!


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
I went through the same thing. I'll tell you, the independent stores are very expensive, usually double. And some don't guarentee their fish. Ups and downs as with anything. I like the prices, selection and guarentees of the chains, but not the advice. These days when I walk in the chains I just select my fish with a smile and pretend like their advice is resonating somewhere. Thats another reason for the master kit, you already have all the info you need. Good luck.

Apr 28, 2012
FishDad - I am attracted to some of the fish in the chain stores but I'm scared of getting disease again! So think I will only buy from the independent store... unless I get a quarantine tank later on.

Lauraf - daily? Oooh I will check the levels now and see. Did a water change yesterday.

May 3, 2012
Also something to think about, you can get the fish from the chain stores, you just need to QT them for at least 2 weeks in a seperate cycled tank, like you would do when you buy fish from ANY store chain or not (which you should always have on hand in the life of fish keeping for sick or injured fish) so this way you can watch and make sure their not sick, or treat them if they are and then after the 2 weeks you can introduce them into your main tank
I also recommend getting 3 more of your 3 lemon tetras and 3 flame tetras as these are shoaling fish of coarse, but of coarse QT them for 2 weeks and dont introduce them to your tank until it is finally cycled


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
All of my fish have come from Petsmart or Petco for over two years now and I have not had any problems. I also bought all my bettas at Walmart - they have the same price for crown and veil tails. All stores are not the same - I have been in good and not so good. It depends on the manager. I just don't depend on their expertise (or lack of)

Feb 27, 2009
I would ever buy from Pet Co, Pet Smart, or Walmart. They try to kill their fish.
Blanket statements saying the stores try to kill their fish is not accurate. As Thyra says, it depends on the store and the management team. I have 5 otos, known for being sensitive, that were bought for me by a friend at a Walmart store. They will be with me 5 years this coming July. And they have spawned twice in my tanks.

Apr 28, 2012
So I've been doing water changes every few days and finally ammonia is on the way down but now instead Nitrite is up! It says stress but not toxic so hopefully my fish will be ok with regular water changes. And hopefully soon we will be officially cycled. Ammonia 0.25 Nitrite 3 Nitrate near bottom of scale.
I have a filter with 2 filter cartridges, I changed only one so I wouldn't lose all my good bacteria. Will change the other one in a few weeks time and then keep changing just one at the time. Is this a good idea?
I've bought fish and/or plants from all the chains. PetSupermarket seems to have been the worst as I suspect that's where the disease came from. Ich seems gone... phew. Petco and Petsmart seem ok but I did see a few dead or ill fish in both so reluctant to buy more fish from there unless I get a quarantine tank. Probably will go to a specialist non-chain fish store a little bit further away.
Yes might get a few more tetras.
Also really want some guppies but will wait until we're fully cycled!
2 platies are BIG pregnant mamas... wonder if they will give birth soon. Will try to put up some pics after posting this.
Thanks for your help & advice everyone! :)


Superstar Fish
This nitrite means our tank is moving forward in the cycling stage. After this goes down the nitrate will start to show then you are well on your way. The filters are Ok to change one at a time every few weeks if you wish. Try not to change both as you stated, one at a time is ok. You can rinse them in the water change water to make them last longer.
Dead fish don't always mean bad tanks or care at the pet store. The fish might have been weak from transport. What is important is get a relationship with the place you are going to buy your fish from. They know how the fish came in and might be able to recommend good healthy ones. This may not be possible from every big box store. You just need to get a feel for the store and the help they have. If you are comfortable with them and their knowledge and advice then its probable an OK place. With the choices I have in my area I choose to use the local Mom and Pops place. They are a little more money but they offer serviced the big box places dont. Such as they cycle my live rock I order from them for three weeks and dont complain if it takes me 5 weeks to get it, they call me when a GOOD coral or SW fish came in and offer to hold it if I am interested. I am also able to trade with the Mom and Pops place as well.
I am glad to hear your Ich has gone away but keep up the water changes for at least a week or two to be sure.
Post some pics too, we all love to see pics!!!!
Here is one of my most favorite corals I have, its called a Frog spawn.

Apr 28, 2012
My 55 gallon tank. It's freshwater but I chose a coral bg without thinking...

Looks like the platy is smiling for the camera :)

Lemon tetra

Platy male and one of the pregnant females

2 pregnant platies chased by the male who is now one of the gang!

Apr 28, 2012
Here is my new beautiful guppy male, Todd! And a female that got sick and died... :(

IMG_6538 - Copy.jpg IMG_6542 - Copy.jpg IMG_6551 - Copy.jpg

I bought a male guppy and 2 females last week. Within a couple of days both females got sick and died. I'm pretty sure it was columnaris. I started treatment with Maracyn but it was too late, the disease happened so quickly. The one in the picture seemed fine one day and the next day she was already dying, very sad. Still finishing the treatment to try to stop anyone else from getting it.

Will Todd the male guppy be ok on his own for a while? Or should I get some new females to keep him company as soon as possible?

And... we have a little orange platy baby! Noticed it this morning when doing a water change, it was hiding under our big ornament. Caught it and put it in breeder net. Hopefully more to follow soon.

I'm thinking of getting a small tank for the fry and to use as quarantine tank when buying new fish. Will 5.5 gallon be ok? Can I use some of the water from the big tank to get the cycling going? Shall I still add ammonia or is it not necessary if I use the old water?

Last question, what to do with the fry? I was thinking of trying to sell them / give away on craigslist. Any idea if I would get any interest? What about pet stores, do they take them? If anyone is in South Florida and want some orange/black/sunburst platies for free, let me know!
