Newbie struggeling Brown Water


New Fish
Jan 9, 2011
Hey ppl ok I got my first ever fish tank a 4 foot I bought it as ive always liked Oscars and other chiclids. So I kited out my tank with a 400 liter per min filter proper gravel and a few air stones. I then got a few fishes and it all went well for a month +- now the water has turned brown a soft brown like very dirty tap water I got some chemicals from the pet shop it didn’t work ive tested the hp its a constant 7.0 or neutral ive been told now that with the fish I have I need to get a underwater gravel filter or this will continue?
I currently have the following fish
2 Red tiger Oscars about 10cm each
2 Tiger Oscars also 10 cm
2 Texas chiclids about 7cm each
2 Blood Parrot fish 10 cm each
1 Silver Dollar 10 cm
1 Tin Foil Barb about 7 cm
1 Plecostomus about 20 cm

I Know the tank is way to small for the amount and type of fish i have all rdy started saving for a new 1000 liter tank in 2 months time.

I would really be greatfull for some advice and help



Large Fish
Dec 14, 2009
Firstly welcome to the forum, and its good you understand how grossly overstocked you are i think the situation should be sorted as soon as possible, fish removing should be thought about? perhaps your fish store could take some of them of your hands, the pleco is a mass producer of waste and will continue to grow to a large size.

I wouldnt bother getting an undergravel filter, they are nothing but a pain, but im not really one to talk about them as ive never owned one, i understand that some other people on this forum will have better knowledge on them.

As for the brown water, well it could be due to a range of different things? firstly could you tell me what filter you have? and how much water does your tank hold in gallons, if thats possible?


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
4 ft tank, is a 55, 70, or 90 gal tank. I would guess a 55.

A 55 could MAYBE house 2 oscars and that would be pushing it, something I would only recommend to an advanced fish keeper.

1000 liters is 260 gallons. They do make 240's :) is that what you mean? a 6' 240 gallon tank?

Do you have drift wood in the tank? I ask because drift leeches tannis and will turn your water brown.

Oscars eat a TON, they are messy eaters, and poop a ton. I think your issue is fish waste. Your solution is to get rid of most of your fish. With your current stocking level you need to change 20% of the water daily, and it will only work for a short while.

If you are getting a 240 gallon tank you could keep what you have. You need the 240 by febuary ish if you have any hopes of making that stocking order work.

Even with the additional space I would either go with the Parrots/silver dollar/barbs/Texas blues or the oscars. Oscars really would do much better with only Oscars in the tank. I have some concern that the parots won't do well with ANY of the fish specified, they are a man made fish, and have unique issues. You could try it, but my guess is that the parrots don't make it to spring with your current stock.

Can you give us any more info?