newbie thinkingnof getting plants


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
if you are to lazy to research plants, I think you will be to lazy to properly care for them, and the experience will be a failure...between lights, co2, fertilization, and trimming they can take a fair amount of work...I would reccomend doing some research (either in books or online [try searching the plants topic, or ready the sticky post there]) about what is involved from an equipment standpoint before you decide that is the way you want to go



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002

Got to reword your question next time beaver and hide the laziness.

I understand your honesty but that doesn't go well with most people.


"I have been searching throughout the various forums and newsgroup and found a multitude of useful information in regards to taking care of plants. I have seen some of the various, beautiful water gardens in various tank sizes. However, I haven't seen any particular 10 to 20 gallon tanks with a nice setup. If you were to choose some plants for your a 10/20 gallon setup, what kind of plants would you prefer? Any useful info would be appreciated"

For starters, I would try some easy low light plants or low maintenance for you. Try some anubias, java moss, and some elodea. Swords are nice but they get too big particularly Amazons. Other easy ones are hornwort and some small vallisneria.