Newbie to the tank

Aug 26, 2005
So Cal
Just wanted to say hello and I hope to learn allot from all of you.
I currently have a 6" jardini, 5" bichir, 2 2" pacu, 2 3" saber-tooth barracuda
3 2.5" cichlids and a 3" vampire pleco. *PEACE!*

Aug 26, 2005
So Cal
Darkness is spreading.. ha ha ha

OMG!!! That thread was CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha ha
My girl friend was the one who bought the pacus without asking me first.
So, I'll make her happy for a few months and they give them to the lfs.

But seriously... That thread was really crazy!!!!

NoDeltaH2O said:
Charlie Murphy, I'm Rick James Bitc_h!!!

Your avatar brings back memories me laughing so hard I cried!

Welcome to our wet corner of the Internet. You've been caught in the net!


HAHAHA! Have we got a thread for you!!

the oh so controversial Pacu thread we had that got CLOSED