Newbie with pictures


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Hi everyone, just wanted to show some pictures of my fish. Rather than post a million pictures up here, here's a link to another forum (I know, I know, its a dog forum - but they asked for it :p) with photos of the tanks and most of the fish.

Brace yourself- its the fish!


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Wow, I'm impressed, do tell us more about your tanks, and did you get the non cichlid post up? LOL I wanna see! LOL

Nice SA BTW, that's my addiction. Check out my post in the rate my tank section (freshwater), Long Time Waiting. :D I wish I could find some Blue Acuras that nice!


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Thanks everyone!!

No, haven't got the non-cichlid pics up, but I'll try to do that for you shortly :) I quite enjoy my range of fish, the polits are easily one of my favorites...saw pictures of them once and decided I HAD to get them. Took a long while, but I finally managed to find a few sources for them. My favorite mbuna though is my male greshakei, he's my baby.

I do love the eartheaters...George (the suri) I found as a lone baby at the LFS and had to buy him. He started an obsession...that's pretty much the way I work. I change specific obsessions regularly, right now its the calvus and the comps. My absolutely favorite though are my monsters - Karma, Draco, and Bongo. If I could only keep a couple tanks, they would be the ones that stayed :)

As for all the tanks...its not so hard. As long as you keep up with weekly maintainence, it keeps it minimal. I spend about 2 hours a week on the tanks, which really isn't much considering.

The foai are awesome...but they're also sold ;) I'm just about to get into the Hap/Peacock group after many years of not being interested in it, and I'm trading the group of foai for some azureus and korneliae. I can't wait to get it set up :)

Thanks again everyone!


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
That sure was confusing the first time I looked at it though, I saw a 2.75gallon with a 12" midas, and I was like :eek: Than as I scroll down I notice the 55 gallons, and the 33 gallons and all the other setups. I love the setups you have going, specially with the sand substrate. Just how many tanks lil and big do you run altogether? and what do you do with the fry you raise? sell them to your lfs? or maybe online? just curios, btw your M. greshakei is gorgeous.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Welcome to MFT!
Very nice setups. I like the look of the "A male C. afra 'Mbweca'" the best...the yellows combined with the darker coloration are what strikes me the most of all the fish. The 'Mbweca,' to my untrained eyes (when it comes to cichlids), bears a resemblance to Cichlid-Man's lemon jakes. Very nice!

Big Vine


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Thanks Toam. Right now there are 13 tanks altogether, but I'm adding another 33gal next week to bring it up to 14 ;) Any babies they produce (if they're not hybrids, which are culled) are typically sold online to members at various sites, or if need be (absolute last resort) taken to a store. I'll give them away for free to members before I'll take them to the store though, even if it means a loss for me.

Lol Big Vine, that hurts ;) Honestly, I don't see any resemblance between them, lol but I don't have that untrained cichlid eye :D The mbwecas are very rare in the hobby, I only know of one or two other members on any of the forums I visit that have them.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
SinisterKisses said:
Lol Big Vine, that hurts ;) Honestly, I don't see any resemblance between them, lol but I don't have that untrained cichlid eye :D The mbwecas are very rare in the hobby, I only know of one or two other members on any of the forums I visit that have them.
Wow...shows how little I know about cichlids. Forgive my ignorance.
If it's any consolation I do like the look of the mbweca much better. :eek:

Big Vine


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I'm with Toam... I thought it was a 12" fish in a 2.75g, and I thought, holy crap how does that even work. I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one who thought that.

I've always had a thing for demasoni's and yours is gorgeous. The polit and C. foai 'Karilani' are awesome too.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Thanks guys. Lol sorry for the confusion...Karma is definitely NOT in a 2.75gal tank ;) I feel a little guilty for having him in a 75gal, I plan to get him a bigger tank as soon as I have the room for it. The demasoni are always popular because of their glowing colours I think...I currently have 12 of them and I adore them.

As for the calvus, they're another of my favorites. Honestly though, I prefer the look of the compressiceps body shape. I'm about to split them up and do a calvus tank and a compressiceps tank, to ensure they don't cross when they start breeding.