
Dec 15, 2008
I have a ten gallon tank and I have 3 pristella tetras in it. I'm going to get two or three when I get paid on Friday, but I'm looking towards the future. I want to know if I got one or two female guppies if they would last in my tank, or if I don't get the guppies I want dalmatian mollies. How many mollies should I get and any ideas for what fish I should get. The only thing I'm sure of is I'm getting 2 or 3 more pristella tetras. Other than that I'm open to any idea. Please give me your opinion.


Medium Fish
Dec 11, 2008
virginia beach virginia
well if you just got the tank id suggest zebra danios they are tough fish idk aabout the fish you mentioned i stick with tetras umm and should slowily add up to the number of fish you want to have to let the tank catch up. but a 10 can in theroy handle 10 inches of fish if you follaw the one inch per gallon rule but i very rarely do i got 1o fish in my 10 gal right now 4 zebras danios 2 neon tetras 2 pearl danios and 2 tiger barb im planing to add 3 glo fish in the next month i just got to find some


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Female guppies are almost guaranteed to be pregnant when you buy them, in various stages. You'll soon have lots of babies, which will probably grow into adults, and then have even more babies, leading to a huge stocking problem. You could get a couple of male guppies as they're generally very peaceful with each other and to other fish, and are colourful and fun to watch. I'd also DEFINATELY get three more pristellas, tetras do best in shoals of 6 or more and in my experience pristellas look gorgeous in a shoal.

In regards to merc1500's post, the "one inch of fish per gallon" is not a rule, it's a guideline but is definately worth sticking to for the beginner as it helps to avoid all sorts of problems. I'd even say merc1500's tank sounds a little overstocked to me but as long as water changes are done regularly it should be fine... I just wouldn't add any more to that set up!

And also with Mollies, in a similar way to guppies (same genus) and most other livebearers, they will breed like aquatic rabbits, and in such a small space will become extremely stressed out. Mollies can grow up to 4 inches in optimum conditions and males can occasionally be very boisterous with each other and with females.

So really, for ease of keeping and for peace and lack of breeding(!), I'd get a couple of male guppies. If not, go for three or four small bottom feeders like cory cats, and leave it at that. Small volumes of water such as a 10 gallon are quite difficult to keep in pristine condition for the fish if it is overstocked.

Hope I've been of help! :)


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
i would lose the 2 tiger barbs in the 10G, semi aggro fin nippers kept in a shoal of < 4 in a rather small tank with no swim space is bad news in the long run for your other fish. Just my opinion but all fish have different personalities, my statement is just the common preconceived notion. Whatever works! :D


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
I say go with the pristella tetras and the cory cats and forget the guppies unless your heart is set on it. Ten gallon tank is a pretty tight space for everyone to get along and feel comfortable. Just my 2cents.
Best of luck!


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
It very well could have been the barbs. Your local pet store may take them. They can be nasty little bugger some times.

Dec 8, 2005
Harrison Twp. Michigan
Guppies reproduce like the spawn of satin lol. They're very pretty, and generally very hardy too.

I personally love mollies. I had 6 of them in my 10 gallon when I first started off (very overstocked, I know, but they lived and reproduced, so I obviously did something right).

They are generally rather hardy. Make sure you ask if they're kept in salty water when you buy them at the LFS. Also, buy them when they're as small as possible. Some LFS sell mollies that are already about 2.5-3 in., and those ones are obviously older and not going to adapt well to a new aquarium.

As with every fish, and every animal rather, they adapt to their environment. I'm not saying go out and buy 10 mollies and jam them into your tank, but if you want one or two, go ahead and buy them while they're smaller, and make sure you keep the tank CLEAN! Mollies can be rather messy, especially if you're not providing them enough food, they will seriously ravage through your tank looking for spare bits of algae to eat.

As for barbs, I am not a huge fan. The ones I have had before were always rather mean and picked on any other fish I had in the tanks with them, even the fish that were larger.

But if you're determined to have some mollies, lemme know if you have any more questions.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
yeah tiger barbs are aggressive and should only be kept with other semi aggressive fish. A shoal of 5 or more works best. Anything with fancy tails / long fins is DOOMED! especially if theyre slow moving lol.