Next additions?

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
May I ask if I am on the right lines as to what to do next with my newly cycled system, apart from adding from LR. See my siggy for current system residents.

Diatoms are still present but not hairlike.

I was thinking of a Kole tang because they graze continually on brown diatoms, look very cool and I read are easy to keep.

But first I should probably add some kind of invert to help with clean up?
Perhaps an Arrow crab, or a cleaner shrimp (if so which is best please?) a long spinned black urchin or brittle or serpant star? Electric scallops anyone? Comments on these please :)


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
your cleanup crew is very small for a 90g. i would personally add more snails; get a few different kinds to help take care of all algae. if your tank is nely cycled i wouldn't add anything for a while just to make sure that things are going properly. the arrow crab and cleaner shrimp arent going to help your algae at all nor will the stars. the urchin probably will but i am kind of against adding them to systems under about 150g...on the other hand it will do fine in your tank. electric scallops are not a good choice. they are very specific filter feeders that almost all fade and die in captivity...and they won't help with the algae of course

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Thankyou Camaro. I will probably hold off on adding anything of real importance for a week or so then. Making sure my water param's stay looking good. Just adding more blue legs and snails till then. I did think though that brittle stars were often grouped in as being part of clean up crews. Is this not correct, you siad they are noy any good? At least by moving over my rockwork, he would scrape the diatoms off as he went, and therefor putting them in suspension and therefor allowing my filter to take it out. They have a good looking and very good sized one at one my my larger LFS. Brought an emerald crab home and am drip acclimating him now.

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
they are excellent for scavenging but they aren't going to do much as far as eating the algae but your thought about them pushing the stuff into the water column seems possible, hadn't thought about that

before i added anything else at i would add 5 or 6 chromis to keep your one lonely soldier happy


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
More snails. Live rock. Give the Kole a miss for at least 6 months to give the tank time to settle and for you to learn a bit more before you buy one. They are toughish when settled, but not especially easy