next course of action?

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I stopped by my LFS today afterschool and actually bought a fish.

It was a black neon tetra that had been all by him/herself for 3 weeks past. I decided to give it a home. It is now in my 10 along with:

2 platies
1 swordtail
2 bronze cories

It's amusing when the tetra tries to school with the platy. Unfortunately, their swimming patterns are quite different. I was thinking about adding 2 more black neons.

I don't want to overstock my tank too much, but I also know neon tetras shouldn't be kept by themselves. What should I do?

P.S> My LFS manager even tried to trick me into buying regular neon tetras. He said, "OH yeah, blue, red, or black, they all school." Hah.*thumbsdow


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
They probably would all school together if that was the only option, but you probably should get him a couple of friends. You could get a few more as long as you keep up on water changes. Neons are very sensitive, so make sure your tank is completely cycled before adding them.