Nice SIte you have here


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2003
Hi Guys.
Should have come here first, but couldnt resist throwing my tuppence in on a couple of threads already. I have been at this hobby for a little over a year now. I have had Multiple tank syndrome (MTS) and I think I may be getting over it. I am down grading my tanks. I recently lost all my bettas (4 Breeding females and a male) to a systemic bacterial infection which is apparently not as uncommon as it once was. So I am laying low on Bettas for a while and gonna play with my bigger tanks. All I have left is a 150 gallon Freshwater tank, 1 x40 gallon Freshawater and 1 40 gallon being used as a Quarentine tank oh and a 10 gallon with Corydora fry in. I currently post on several other fishboards, if I can help anybody here great, if not I hope you all can help me:D Any questions, dont hestitate to ask, but I have lurked around and I like what I see*celebrate


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2003
Thanks for the warm welcome folks. I am setting up my first cichlid tank just now. 150 gallon for a pair of Oscars. My first venture into cichlids. Bettas are my true love in this hobby despite losing 5 very recently to the same bacterial infection. But they have indicidual personalities, much as I am told about the Os, so I will keep you informed how that works oy, but as always its very exciting fishless cycling a new tank thinking about the fish to go in. Kinda like a kid at Christmas, I have been doing this a while and still rush down to test the ammonia and nitrite to see how the spikes doing and I still dont get bored. Anyway again, nice board, friendly people, thats what I like about this Hobbby:)