Nice to meet ya!

Jan 15, 2004
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I am in the same boat as Ashleigh (no pun intended, lol)
as far as not being new to fish, knowing the basics, and trying to learn more. I have a 20 gal. tank with some platies, barbs, one old red eye tetra, a cory, and a blue lobster. I am happy to have found a fish website to join, and I hope to be able to learn a lot. I have made a couple of posts in the breeding forum and live bearers forum, if anyone is able to help me out there I would appreciate it.

btw, is there a live chat forum here?

I am also in college, studying prereq's for nursing- hoping to transfer to nursing school soon.

I am married (anniversary also in Sept. , congrats) with three beautiful chidren, of course I am not bias, they really are beautiful as are all

Good to meet you all! *SUNSMILE*

Jan 15, 2004
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Thank you, Angelfish.

It does well.. I have had a few mysterious deaths and half eaten bodies found, but mostly he hides in his cave during the day and is out at night. I try to keep him well fed with carnivore wafers. He doesn't seem to try to catch or attack the fish, especially since they seem comforatable enough with him to swim through his cave every once in a while. I think he feeds on the fish after they die.

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Large Fish
Aug 20, 2003
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I tell you what.

We have those here too. But they are really blue crayfish. They just call them lobseters. I guess if you called them Blue crayfish then people would wonder why they are 20 some bucks. When you can go to the bate store and get one for like 20 cents.... just not blue
