nippy neons?


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
Has anyone ever heard of a neon tetra nipping the fins off of a bunch of cories?? All I have in my tank are some cories, some neons, and then some guppy fry. It is possible that the two cories that died last night (both with very nipped fins) already had their fins nipped when I bought them, but the other four in there are staying so elusive and I never see them, so I am wondering if there is some form of bullying going on??


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
My cories seem to be a late night fish. They hide all day. If I leave my lights on too late, say around 10pm. They get very active. Maybe they are just trying to keep a different schedule than the neons??

Do they get more active after dark?


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
Well it is possible. What I think could be the main cause is that I have a lot of flow in the tank and I feel like they don't like it. They hide in the back corner of my tank (As I discovered this morning) behind some driftwood (the remaining four anyways- nipped fins were likely from the store :() where there is no flow. Well there isn't much light either so perhaps it could be that as well :).

So I lost two of them to nipped fins (I assume), and they were likely quite stressed out on top of that, but these four still look healthy. I have food for them but I have to find a way to get it to them.

Thanks for the help everyone- I will update this as needed :).