I don't know what to do. Here's what's going on. The ten gallon has 2 female platies, and one pleco (Didn't have anywhere else to put him and I'm not going to kill him) Well, I did a water check, and there was an outrageous amount of nitrite and ammonia. So I did a 25% water change added Easy Balance and Aqua Safe, and hoped for the best. Well the next day, I tested the water again to see if it was *any* better, and it was actually not at all better. I'm talking nitrite in massive amounts here (Have an undergravel filter with carbon), The tank is still in cycling phases I understand that, but for it to get that high, I'm talking like 5.0 nitrite, and probably 2.0 ammonia. Well I was worried about the health of my fish so I changed 75% of the water (all water changes are done via a gravel vaccuum). Today the both are at .50, which as I understand is still unacceptable. What should I do? Please help.