Nitrite measurement question..


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
With my API master test kit, when I measure nitrites in my 10 gal that's nearly cycled, the test tube instantly turns purple, then gradually turns light blue (0ppm nitrites) well before ~5min waiting period.

Is that common for a cycled and/or established tank?

Early on in the cycling process, before this tank started growing BB, it would just stay light blue. It didn't do the dark purple, then blue thing.



Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Have you considered calling API and asking them about that color change? They are really good about answering.
I may do that. I emailed the fella I corresponded with in regards to the API Quick Start to see if I get a response.

When I Googled this concern, there's actually quite a few hits on it, but best I can tell, it's inconclusive. Many say this means nitrites are "off the chart" high, others say it's what the tube reads after 5min that counts.

It makes sense to me that they are off the chart given I'm just over a week into cycling this tank and nitrates haven't moved from 10-20ppm. OTOH, why would it read blue before 5min... Ugh..


Feb 27, 2009
Joel - I have not personally seen a nitrite reading other than the light blue in an aquarium for many years. My passion is growing plants and there is no need to 'cycle' a tank with a LOT of fast growing plants in place. If you don't get an answer from API by Monday, I'll give them a call and ask that they post here :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Thanks everyone. It's really got me confused. This tank originally read normal. Was consuming ammonia, nitrite tested first blue, then gradually turned purple.

It now eats the ammo down to ~0.5ppm and just kind of stalls, while I get that crazy purple, then blue nitrite test. Nitrates are hanging 10-20ppm.

My tap water measures all blue (0ppm nitrites).

My (cycling) 29gal nitrite measurement goes textbook too. Starts out blue, then gradually turns purple, registering nitrites. The 29 is just barely eating ammonia at this point.

I dosed the 10gal with ammo again tonight. Just not sure if I wanna do a water change on it, re-measure and continue the cycling process. It's really got me flustered at this point.



Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Just noticed that API emailed me back this AM. Honestly, this is what I expected, because the fella I corresponded with earlier didn't sound too keen on fishless cycling by adding ammonia. This was his response.. and it kind of disappoints me:

"Joel if it is giving a 0 ppm reading after 5 minutes then the reading should be 0 ppm. The problem is that you are doing a fishless cycle. The chemicals you are using could be causing the initial color that you are witnessing.

Best Regards,

Nathan ******
Technical Service and Research
Mars Fishcare

PO BOX 218
CHALFONT, PA 18914-0218"


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I'm really flustered over this. Dunno what to do. All I'm adding is store bought ammonia that just lists ammonia on the ingredients (no colorant, surfactant, scents, etc..)

I can juice the tank up to ~5ppm ammo and ~24hrs later, the ammo will be down to 0.5-1.0ppm, but wont go to zero. My nitrites turn purple before each of the 5 droplets reach the bottom of the test tube, is all purple when I shake it up and after 5min is blue. Nitrates still only around 10-20ppm. I do have 3 small live plants in the this 10gal tank.

I'm considering doing a 50%+ water change. Just don't know if that will ruin things for me or not?



Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Joel, you might take a look at this site:

I am not an expert when it comes to cycling. I am also one of the people who could not find pure ammonia. There are apparently a lot that can't and so most approach it differently. From what I was just reading it seems possible you are continuing to add too much ammonia and your tank has actually cycled, but everyone has different opinions on cycling. I have even read that the ammonia from fish has different attributes than manufactured ammonia - I don't know anymore where I read that, but it probably doesn't matter because again it will be someones opinion, although it is possible it was professor doing research. I cycled all my tanks with fish successfully - I believe it was the result of daily partial water changes and daily testing - I did partial changes even though the water showed 0, 0, 0 and continued until I got nitrates. This is just my experience, not a recommendation.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Thanks Thyra.

For the heck of it, I just did a ~40% water change. I'll let the tank settle and then I'll re-measure the water parameters.

I did quite a bit of searching online and it seems that the inconsistent nitrite readings I am getting from the API kit is due to super high nitrites, beyond what the kit can read. I've probably found 10 or so instances online where people were in the exact boat as me.


Feb 27, 2009
Joel - doing water changes during a fishless cycle will not slow down anything, so incase the ultra-high nitrites are causing issues, water changes would elimiate that. Obviously chaniging all the water would give the bacteria nothing to consume, but 50-75% will not hurt anything.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
It's seems reasonably conclusive that after the ~60% water change (I did two PWCs), all is right with the world now.

I let it set over night, just checked now. I'm 0ppm ammonia, 2-5ppm nitrites and something beyond 80ppm nitrates (red test tube).

I must have gotten myself into the above situation by dosing the ammonia up to 4-5ppm every time it dropped. Apparently this is too much for a 10gal. Like FishDad (and others) has said a few times, water parameters can go south on a 10gal really fast and in a big way.


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Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Things are still acting bizarre with my 10gal.

About 12hrs after a water change, my nitrates will be ~80ppm. I'll get a reading like 0ppm ammo, 2-5ppm nitrites and 80ppm nitrates.

If I I dose it a little with ammo and let it sit another 12hrs, my readings will be 0, 5, and 5-10ppm nitrates? I do have 3 small plants in the 10gal, so I'm not sure if they're consuming the nitrates or not.

'bout ready to loose it.



Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
This may be somewhat politically incorrect but I would abandon the ammonia and add a test fish of some sort. Let him live in the tank for a few days and test the water params as you go. I have never done a fishless cycle and have never experienced those kind of params so I am inclined to believe that the two are connected.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Thank you FD.

I was kind of thinking along the same lines.

A huge water change and go with it. All I want to do with this 10gal is maybe a betta, some ghost shrimp and a snail, -or- a few sparkling gourami in place of the betta. If they don't make shrimp cocktail out of the ghosts, then maybe some fancier inverts.

Main intent of this tank is to grow plants. Which are doing OK, but not necessarily thriving. 1 java fern, 1 anubias nana and one argentine sword.


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Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Laura, I do plan on adding more low light plants.

I had intended today to do a large water change, check water params (which of course, I had envisioned as being fine) and run to the LFS. Meh... Not so much.

After 3 consecutive ~50-60% water changes on this 10gal, I'm STILL showing 0.50ppm nitrites. On the first WC, I got within inches of the bottom, but that messed up my decor.

I am not the poster boy for fishless cycling, by adding ammonia at this point. There had to be enough nitrites in that tank to cause every fish to burst into flames within a 5 mile radius.

Funny thing is, I followed the "fishless cycling" suggestions to a "T". Never added more than ~4ppm ammonia. All the threads say 'Your nitrites will go over-range high.. That's what you want'. Problem is, you have no idea HOW high. There's no way that can be good.

Once I get 0 nitrites, I'll stock this tank as planned and of course monitor water params daily. Hopefully tomorrow or Sunday. I dunno how long it would take to kill off the BB in this tank, not having a food source until then?
