nitrite poisoning article


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
I'm currently struggling with nitrites in the tank (am. went down to 0 ages ago) and looked for more or less formal articles about the problem.
Here is link:
Advantages of the article is that it gives you concentrations guidelines instead of scaring you to death and leaving in the dark never answering the question at what conc. the fish is going to die and at what it will be just a little bit brain damaged *SUNSMILE* .
Nitrite cycle is going on forever even after biospira. It was not a problem for 10g where i could change 95% of water everyday. Starting from 50g it is a real pain. I added biospira, i rinsed dirty-dirty filter from my 29g and added all that gunk, i moved all sponges from the 29g into the big tank and still i am not happy and it's running for a month already and it has four 4" fish in it!
