No luck getting new betta to eat.

Apr 3, 2007
Knoxville Area
I'm having trouble getting my betta to eat. In the past, all the betta's I've ever owned go straight for food when I put it in the tank. But this new little guy just kinda ignores it. I've tried freezed dried worms, betta flake food, betta bites, frozen blood worms. It's like he doesn't realize that what I'm putting in the water is food. He will eat a betta bite if it drops right down in front of his face. For the most part though he just ignores the food.

He doesn't appear ill, he swims around just fine, his fins look healthy, he flares at his reflection. I've had him a little over a week.

Any ideas? He's really a beautiful fish and I'd hate to loose him.

Sep 6, 2006
NS, Canada
Some new bettas, like Katie said, do take a while to come around. If he's eating stuff that goes right in front of his face, at least he's eating something! LOL. It may not seem like much, but some bettas will refuse food for a week or two completely before they finally get hungry enough to eat whatever is around, so your guy is probably fine. He'll come around!

Just give it time and hopefully he'll eat more :) Good luck!

Apr 3, 2007
Knoxville Area
Success! Mr. Betta ate some live worms this morning! I put one of those cone shaped worm feeders in his 10g, hoping that keeping the live worms closer to the surface would spike his interest. Seems to be working! Lets hope he'll develop better eating habits, so that one day he can be in a community tank!